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Nevo S70 Not Charging
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Post 1 made on Saturday June 28, 2014 at 10:12
Long Time Member
October 2008
I had the reset issue with my Nevo S70, which is described in the following thread:


I applied the fix, with a slight variation (did not remove reset switch, but simply soldered a wire between the same 2 points shown in the above thread). However, since applying this fix, my remote no longer charges.

To be clear, the remote successfully turns on and works as normal. I used for several hours after soldering and the reset problem is fixed. I have checked my charging base and can confirm that if I disconnect the power and turn on again then it lights up for a few seconds, so there is definitely power to the charging base. However, when I place the remote on the charging base, it does not light up as you would normally expect. I had a spare battery (with some charge left) which I purchased recently when I was still diagnosing the reset button issue. I have tried this other battery and this does not charge either, so the issue does not appear to relate to the battery.

I can only assume that the issue has been caused by something happening when I opened up the remote. Can anyone help, or advise what it might be? I'm really missing being able to use my remote at the moment, as it controls all my equipment, which is located in another room away from the TV.

One other point, in case relevant. There was a cable plugged into the motherboard that was connected to the backplate of the remote. Based on the other thread, this was for the speaker. When I disconnected the backplate, this cable became disconnected at the backplate end, so I have unplugged from the motherboard and removed. I assume this would have no impact on my issue if it is indeed for the speaker, but am mentioning for completeness. This cable was located towards the top end of the remote, nowhere near the charging pins which are located at the bottom end of the remote.

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