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Switching on subwoofer using NC-50
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Post 1 made on Saturday November 9, 2013 at 17:11
Long Time Member
April 2011
Hi everybody,

as the title says I am trying to switch on a Yamaha YST-FSW150 subwoofer.

I am using a Yamaha RX-A810 as the main receiver in my home A/V system, this receiver can handle 2 different zones and has 2 subwoofer out jacks. I use the second zone to play the same music as in Zone1 when in Party mode, but only when I want to do so. Unfortunately both subwoofers connected to the unit output sound all the time, so I am trying to control the power on or off of the second subwoofer (Yamaha YST-FSW150) using a NEVO NC-50 (The subwoofer is in another room)

The Subwoofer has a remote in jack to control the power. (See pic: )

I have connected this remote-in jack to the NC-50 and I can hear a clicking noise whenever I hit the power button on the remote, but unfortunately the subwoofer only stays on for the half second I press the power button in the remote and then switches off again. My guess is that the remote-out jack in the receiver always sends a signal when on and then the subwoofer switches off when that signal is not present.

My question is, does anybody know how to reproduce that signal using the NC-50?

Thanks again and sorry for the long story...
Post 2 made on Wednesday November 13, 2013 at 21:42
Long Time Member
October 2008
You may want to see if the sub has a switch for power sensing. If it does it will turn on by itself whenever enough voltage is present at the speaker terminals. If this model has it, turn that switch off and you should have control over it via the Nevo and NC-50. Of course this assumes that you have the right codes in the Nevo for it and have setup the NC-50 correctly.

OP | Post 3 made on Thursday November 14, 2013 at 08:01
Long Time Member
April 2011
On November 13, 2013 at 21:42, RemoteQuest said...
You may want to see if the sub has a switch for power sensing. If it does it will turn on by itself whenever enough voltage is present at the speaker terminals. If this model has it, turn that switch off and you should have control over it via the Nevo and NC-50. Of course this assumes that you have the right codes in the Nevo for it and have setup the NC-50 correctly.


Thanks for replying, I also wrote some kind of clarification of what I am trying to accomplish as apparently I have not been clear enough in my first post (sorry)

Let's see I'll try to explain step by step what I try to accomplish.

I have a main receiver Yamaha RX-A810 as the heart of my AV stuff. This receiver is a 7.2 system that can act as a 2 zone receiver (5.1 + 2.1) which is the way I have settled it. See pic:

Unfortunately, both subwoofer jacks output sound at the same time ALWAYS, independent of if Zone 2 is active or not. The main Zone in my setup is the living room, whereas the Zone 2 is the bedroom. If I use a cable to switch ON the second subwoofer (Yamaha YST-FSW150) whenever the receiver is ON, I would have booming noise coming from that 2nd subwoofer always, either if the 2 speakers in Zone 2 are active or not, which is exactly the same as leaving the 2nd subwoofer ON all the time independent of the main receiver.

Now, I use a Universal Electronics Nevo S70 (see [Link:])
to control all the devices in my AV system, and I also own two Universal Electronics NC-50. As one of them was not in use I thought of using it, connected to the subwoofer through a link cable (in the bedroom) to switch ON the 2nd subwoofer ONLY whenever I want sound in Zone 2 (Bedroom)

I have created a macro in NevoStudio Pro (the program to configure the Nevo S70 and the Nevo NC-50) that would send an ON command to the 2nd subwoofer from the Nevo NC-50 everytime I hit the 2nd ZONE ACTIVE button or the PARTY button on the remote. Unfortunately this 2nd subwoofer does not have a remote controller per se, so I cannot find this model in the Universal Electronics database, nor copy the function from another existing remote. I have found that this subwoofer was also sold by Yamaha together with a Sound Bar and could be connected with a link cable, that Sound Bar was model YSP-1100, and I have found that model is in the Universal Electronics database, so I've used that code for the macro. As said unfortunately it does not work the way I want it to work, as when I execute the macro with the my remote (Nevo S70), the NC-50 sends the ON code to the 2nd subwoofer, and I can hear the clicking noise and the light ON but only for half a second or so. That makes me think that the remote link jack in the subwoofer is waiting for a continuous 12v signal to keep the subwoofer ON, and when that signal is not present switches it OFF. That is why I am asking if there is a way to make the NC-50 sends that signal, or if not use some kind of realy and a 12v adapter
Post 4 made on Monday November 18, 2013 at 18:13
Founding Member
August 2001
How about using a Z-wave Appliance module to control the sub from the Nevo?


OP | Post 5 made on Tuesday November 19, 2013 at 06:42
Long Time Member
April 2011
On November 18, 2013 at 18:13, Korey said...
How about using a Z-wave Appliance module to control the sub from the Nevo?



That could certainly do it, only problem is that I use an US Nevo S70 (with US frequencies) in Europe (with 220V). If you know of any Z-wave appliance module with US frequencies that would work with 220v please let me know.

Thanks again
Post 6 made on Wednesday November 20, 2013 at 13:49
Founding Member
August 2001
I believe that Zwave frequencies are standardized globally.

There's lots available.


These ones look really nice:

Good Luck!
OP | Post 7 made on Thursday November 21, 2013 at 00:54
Long Time Member
April 2011
On November 20, 2013 at 13:49, Korey said...
I believe that Zwave frequencies are standardized globally.

There's lots available.

Thanks again, but no, the frequencies are not standarized globally, I can tell you from experience. I bought a Merten Z-wave insert (just like the fibaro) for the light switches and the S70 cannot see them because they work on different frequencies.

From wikipedia:
"Frequency band: The Z-Wave Radio uses the 868.42 MHz SRD Band (Europe); the 900 MHz ISM band: 908.42 MHz (United States); 916 MHz (Israel); 919.82 MHz (Hong Kong); 921.42 MHz (Australian/New Zealand)."

Guess I'll have to wait until Fibaro starts selling their products in the US market, looking at their web it looks as if it would happen anytime in 2014

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