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Nevo Q50 Alternatives
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Post 1 made on Tuesday October 29, 2013 at 14:16
Long Time Member
August 2009
Hello all,

As we all know, Nevo is done. I personally have had good success with my Q50 up to this point but I do know that eventually it will fail and getting a replacement may be more trouble than it's worth.

My remote is not only controlling my home theater set up but it is also connected to my Z-wave home automation network.

What are the viable alternatives out there? It has to be able to connect to my existing home automation network. I'm also DIY guy with extensive technical skills...I would hate to have to pay someone to program my remote especially when I have to tinker with setting all of the time and change things up every so often.

Any insight would be great.

Post 2 made on Wednesday November 6, 2013 at 09:20
Active Member
December 2004
I still have one brand new Q50 for sale on Amazon. As for other replacements I would recommend RTI, but since you are a DIY you will most likely never get someone to give you the programming software. You may want to look at Irule if you enjoy setting it up your self
No job to small, many to big
OP | Post 3 made on Wednesday November 6, 2013 at 16:10
Long Time Member
August 2009
I'll have to take a look at iRule. Thanks for the info!

Post 4 made on Wednesday November 13, 2013 at 21:46
Long Time Member
October 2008
On November 6, 2013 at 16:10, chillspace said...
I'll have to take a look at iRule. Thanks for the info!


You know, URC has some decent units lately which while not close to the great style and button selections of the Nevo but may do the job. Also they are CI-only type of products but you may be able to get one and the software. I am talking about the MX-1200 and maybe the URC TRC-1080.

iRule and Ipad is nice but you might likely get tired of the touch screen only. Some people do and others don't care. I want hard buttons personally.


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