well first, CCF files are not compatible with NCF files. bummer.
i'd get the neo edit software installed as it was shipped. then get the upgrade off of the pronto web site for version 1.3 and the memory flasher utility that upgrades the flash memory in your neo. this is a must.
if you can get that far, you're half there. but many have had problems even getting that far with many saying 'im taking this thing back'
next, load default.ncf from your samples folder and configure the file for your devices. i'd hold off worrying about macros for the time being. they'll work just fine.
the issues will be whether your neo can successfully learn any remotes that you might have. this is the biggest pain the butt. read other posts about how others have tried and sometimes been successful in doing this. learned codes have another advantage. they upload and download easily. the factory codes you assign in neo edit sometimes get lost uploading and downloading.
if you cant get your devices to learn, post a note asking for an NCF from someone else who may have been successful. you can cut and paste buttons from file to file to get the learned code into your program.
if all is ok at that point, customize your buttons or create your own. some ncf files are located on the yahoo web site:
[Link: groups.yahoo.com]