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Just getting started - how about a kick start?
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Post 1 made on Sunday January 6, 2002 at 17:27
Founding Member
January 2002
Just played with my new NEOPronto yesterday, and found this website today. Nice remote, great forum! However, my first disappointment is when I programed in all the factory codes for my HT components, most of the functions/IR's don't work except for the Power on/off.

So, I see from this forum that there are a bunch of CCF's that have all the preprogramed buttons/codes for a number of components. But, they are in the main "FILES" section for Pronto remotes - can they be used for the NEO (first question of many :)?

Anyway, here's my system that I want this remote to control:

HDTV: Toshiba 56H80
Receiver: Marantz SR-18EX
DVD: Panasonic DVD-A310
DBS: Echostar 501 PVR

Any tips on how and where to start would be much appreciated!

Post 2 made on Sunday January 6, 2002 at 18:09
Founding Member
December 2001
well first, CCF files are not compatible with NCF files. bummer.

i'd get the neo edit software installed as it was shipped. then get the upgrade off of the pronto web site for version 1.3 and the memory flasher utility that upgrades the flash memory in your neo. this is a must.

if you can get that far, you're half there. but many have had problems even getting that far with many saying 'im taking this thing back'

next, load default.ncf from your samples folder and configure the file for your devices. i'd hold off worrying about macros for the time being. they'll work just fine.

the issues will be whether your neo can successfully learn any remotes that you might have. this is the biggest pain the butt. read other posts about how others have tried and sometimes been successful in doing this. learned codes have another advantage. they upload and download easily. the factory codes you assign in neo edit sometimes get lost uploading and downloading.

if you cant get your devices to learn, post a note asking for an NCF from someone else who may have been successful. you can cut and paste buttons from file to file to get the learned code into your program.

if all is ok at that point, customize your buttons or create your own. some ncf files are located on the yahoo web site:

Post 3 made on Sunday January 6, 2002 at 18:26
Founding Member
October 2001
Do NOT install the earlier version of NeoEdit if you are going to install the 1.3 ver off the internet!!

First there is no need to, and second, it says to uninstall any previously installed version!

Always better to install ANY software without a previos version, as this Download of 1.3 is the whole program, not an update! Maybe this is the reason some people are having problems??

Also, make sure the NEo remote works with your Com settings by Uploading and Downloading, then go for the Firmware update, and I'd have no background apps running at that time too

Post 4 made on Sunday January 6, 2002 at 20:53
Founding Member
December 2001
i doubt that installing the older version is the problem folks are having. installing 1.2.7 will tell you whether you'll have the installation and/or communications problem before you spend 2 hours on the internet downloading 1.3 The lastest version did not fix the corrupt flash, can't install or comm problems. I was trying to save him time.
OP | Post 5 made on Sunday January 6, 2002 at 21:23
Founding Member
January 2002
Thanx vanderwielen and alamand (and any additional replies to come)! So, if I understand you so far, my steps will be:
1- Download and install NEOedit 1.3 and Flasher apps
2- Create default ncf with my required components
3- Verify I can download and upload (or do this before 2?)
4- Go through the "pain" of learning all the commands of all my components into the NEO.
5- Start customizing

Thanx for the yahoo url. But what about this website - are there no NEO upload pages? (Or is NEO too NEW?)

Post 6 made on Sunday January 6, 2002 at 22:36
Founding Member
October 2001
There is no reason to Create a default.ncf, it is there after you install the program, along with some others. The new software alows you to upload, the firmware is not needed for this, so that is why I suggested you try the DL & UL, as if that works, hopefully they wont be any comunaction problems when you try the Firmware update. The update will erase the .ncf thats on the Neo at the time of the firmware update


"i'd get the neo edit software installed as it was shipped. then get the upgrade off of the pronto web site for version 1.3 and the memory flasher utility that upgrades the flash memory in your neo. this is a must."

Sorry for the miss info, but in your post you didn't say anything about testing the Download to the Neo first before going for the newer ver! I do think that the newer ver also fixed some other issuse that users were having, so I still feel that it is best to test with the 1.3 version! In the readme file that is in the 1.3ver it states many "Fixes" so why TEST with an older ver, that is all I was tring to say.

Post 7 made on Monday January 7, 2002 at 15:46
Founding Member
November 2001
If I ever finish mine, I will have a cool setup for the 501 minus the cool bitmaps. The NEO is should probably be left with plain bitmaps anyway. The NEO had no problem learning codes from the 501 remote. My Toshiba was a bit more difficult but I still got them. I have a different Toshiba set than yours. My technic for the Toshiba was setting them on a table top 1 1/2 inch apart, in a shadow. Hit the button I wanted to learn, and then one quick punch of the OEM remote button. FYI, when I got this thing and saw that you could download files I didn't think I'd have to do much work. Unless someone has your exact componants and goals in mind you will have to customize a lot. Other peoples files are most useful for ideas I've found. If you want to look at some pronto configurations(don't get your hopes up about the cool bitmaps) download ProntoEdit to view these. ProntoEdit is much quicker to download than NEOedit if you're worried about that. As a starting point in NEOedit I would suggest first creating extra pages and putting in the buttons for all your OEM remotes. Don't worry about how it looks as they will just be used to link to. Then download to the NEO, learn the codes, and upload back to the computer. This can only be done with 1.3. You can find more details on this method all over this site. Basically it lets you mess with your interface without having to relearn codes. Having all your codes on the computer is also good if you take someone else NCF. Good luck.
OP | Post 8 made on Monday January 7, 2002 at 22:11
Founding Member
January 2002
Thanx everyone! I'll start playing this weekend and then post my results.


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