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How to move through ProntoNeo setup pages with Aragon Stage One
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Post 1 made on Saturday November 5, 2022 at 11:28
Junior Member
November 2022
Can anyone explain to me how on earth to move through the setup pages with the ProntoNeo please?

I can never get past a first setup page. The manual suggests that there should be something resembling an UP/DOWN on the left of the screen to go to any next page but I cant see it! What am I doing wrong?

Or is there some way of getting to the date and time setting page?

In particular I am trying to activate a switch to turn subwoofer output on, but how to get there eludes me completely!
Post 2 made on Wednesday November 9, 2022 at 13:44
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
The two buttons on the left side of the remote?
OP | Post 3 made on Friday November 11, 2022 at 14:52
Junior Member
November 2022
Yes, I think that must be it. The instructions say that the 'buttons' are to the left "on the panel" but they must mean to the left of the handset because there is nothing on the left of the panel!

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