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The Ramblings of Mike Gifford
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Post 1 made on Friday July 14, 2000 at 00:06
Bill H.
Historic Forum Post
4/06-The new expected release date of the MX-1000 is towards the end of May.

4/19-Whoever said they have fifteen (15) MX-1000 remote controls are either crazy or confused because the production of the remote control has been slated for the end of May. No working models have been released -either publically or privately - so ignore the source which claims to have them.

5/12-Please know that our website will be the authority on exactly when the MX-1000 will be released, since we are the actual manufacturer. Our website address is UNIVERSAL-REMOTE.COM, and the latest word is JUNE. I do believe they've settled on the current software and will add upgrades to our website for eventual downloading through the RS232 cable.

5/12-We are very confident that June will be the time for the release of the MX-1000. We are satisfied with the software as it is and will offer downloadable upgrades through our website (UNIVERSAL-REMOTE.COM) through the RS232 serial port which is included with the remote control not too long thereafter.

5/12-We are confident with June being the release date for the MX-1000, and will release it with the software as it is. The engineers could keep the remote control delayed forever if they continue to improve the software, but once it is released, you can download future upgrades from our website (UNIVERSAL-REMOTE.COM)into the remote control through the RS232 serial port which comes with the remote control.

6/12-When a new product gets introduced to the market before said product is available, there is always an eagerness to own the product. The fact that there have been delays will always test the patience of potential consumers - but rest assured of one thing: when the MX-1000 becomes available in July, your wait and patience will be well rewarded with an exceptional product.

The MX-1000 was delayed not because of software problems. It wasn't due to technical difficulties in any way. The reason for the delay was because our engineers wanted to produce the MX-1000 in a flawless remote control that will do everything desired and more. A remote control that will live up to its promise and deliver on sheer flexibility and compatability.

July is the last delay in what will be a superior touchscreen remote control.

6/20-We just recently updated our website to reflect a release date of July. This
date is realistic, and we will notify you as to when we will be shipping your

Mike Gifford
Universal Remote Control, Inc"

7/10-We are still shooting for a July release date. We are rapidly working on the bug related to the delay in the MX-1000, and since it would be unrealistic to say when the bug would be corrected, we would say that August would be the worst case senario.

We apologize for the long delay, but the wait will not be much longer now. We are at the home stretch.

OP | Post 2 made on Friday July 14, 2000 at 13:22
Historic Forum Post
Yeah, whatever, Mikey. I had cash-in-hand ready to purchase one of these bad-boys in December... still had the cash in May... and June.

Forget it, though. I think I'll just spend the next few months saving up for the COLOR Pronto which will probably be out before this piece of "vapor ware".
OP | Post 3 made on Friday July 14, 2000 at 16:22
Historic Forum Post
One (possibly pacifying) thought:

What if the bug was in the software-updating code? THAT they would have to fix before they released the MX-1000.

Even if that's the case, it doesn't excuse them. They should have tested the hell out of the updating code months ago.

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