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URC MX-990 corrupted ***FIXED***
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Post 1 made on Thursday January 12, 2023 at 14:36
Junior Member
January 2023
I have a URC MX-990 remote control. Today I updated it for changes to my home theater. I downloaded the new CCP file to the remote but it never came back online after rebooting. It shows the MX-990 loading screen and it chimes, but then the screen is completely blank and it does not respond to any button presses nor does it light up. Windows doesn't even recognize it in device manager anymore. Of course I've removed the battery and let it sit several times with no luck. I even tried connecting it to a different computer. I called URC but since they're out of warranty and I didn't get it through a dealer, they said there is nothing they can do. They said there have been no other complaints since releasing the newest CCP software 2 days ago. But what else could it be besides corrupt software? It's as if the memory on the remote has been completely wiped. And since Windows doesn't even recognize the remote, I can't download any other files to it. The version of CCP I have it 4.12.1209.1. Since the remote is bricked, I need some other way to restore the base URC system on it. Thank you for any help!

A few minutes ago, URC called me back! I am shocked. They told me to hold On and Mute while inserting the battery. Voila! This restored it to factory settings. I was then able to connect it to my computer and download my CCP file. FYI if this ever happens to anyone.

Last edited by stringos on January 13, 2023 12:06.
Post 2 made on Thursday January 12, 2023 at 18:28
Regular Member
November 2020
You should post this in the URC pro forum, this is mainly for their consumer versions and the MX-990 is a pro remote.
OP | Post 3 made on Friday January 13, 2023 at 11:00
Junior Member
January 2023
I will thank you.

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