On November 20, 2020 at 17:07, hdtvluvr said...
Here's something else to try:
On page 2 of main (page 3 if 2 has something you use), add a device. Name it TVDIS (TV Discretes). In the database for that button go to the TV group and select "Discretes from 2009". Save the button. Then test power on, off and an HDMI1.
On that same page add a new button called TV-V3. In the code database select "[Vizio 3]". Save the button and test on, off and HDMI.
If one of these works, delete the non-working one. You can then use these codes in your macros. Then in the pages view of Main, you can Hide this page so it won't show up on the remote.
Thanks! The "
Discretes from 2009" from the Database are working on my V405-H19. I now have discreet on and off.