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Questionnaire user motivations
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Post 1 made on Tuesday August 10, 2004 at 09:26
No Longer Registered
Dear user of the Philips Pronto parts on Remote Central,

In my thesis research on ‘Co-Creation’, I am studying different approaches for an interactive collaboration between a company and online user groups.

I developed this questionnaire for all users of Philips Pronto parts on Remote Central, ranging from just readers of the message board to senior and expert developers of files. I want to better understand why and how you are using Remote Central. I am also very interested your perceived benefits as a user of Remote Central.

Similar questionnaires will be posted in message boards of other developer platforms.
Filling in this questionnaire will contribute to a general understanding of why and how people are active on developer platforms.
In the end, benefits could also be there for you acting on a developer platform that takes the elements into account for even more satisfaction and benefits for you as a user!

I kindly invite you to fill in the online questionnaire. This is the link: [Link:].
The questionnaire consists of 15 multiple choice questions and you will need about 5 minutes to complete it.

Those who are interested in the motivations of fellow platform users can receive a summary of the results of this questionnaire. You can indicate this in the last question of the questionnaire.

With many thanks for your participation,

Maaike Spoor
Student at the Rijks Universiteit Groningen
Faculty of Technology Management
[email protected]
Post 2 made on Tuesday August 10, 2004 at 12:48
Kees van der Meer
Long Time Member
December 2003
Veel succes met de resultaten, Maaike!
Trouwens, doe je dit in opdracht van Philips of is dit een vrijwillige aangelegenheid?
En, stuur jij de resultaten door naar het Pronto Team?

Kees van der Meer

Good luck with the results, Maaike!
Btw, did Philips assigned you to this questionnaire or is this a voluntary job?
Also, are you passing through the results to the Pronto Team?

Kees van der Meer

This message was edited by Kees van der Meer on 08/10/04 15:11.
Post 3 made on Wednesday August 11, 2004 at 06:44
igor burger
Long Time Member
May 2004

The third (last) page of your questionnaire turns up blank. Don't know whether it's my browser failing or the questionnaire.

OP | Post 4 made on Thursday August 12, 2004 at 03:54
No Longer Registered
Dear Kees,

I posted this questionnaire to get valuable input for my thesis research, thus in that way voluntary.

Indeed, I am doing my thesis research at Philips, but not for Pronto. The goal of my thesis is to provide Philips with an understanding of different approaches of Co-Creation and the potential applicability for Philips.
Remote Central (including the Pronto) is an excellent example (benchmark). As stated in my message, I post similar questionnaires on different developer platforms.

Kind regards,

Maaike Spoor
OP | Post 5 made on Thursday August 12, 2004 at 03:56
No Longer Registered
Hi Igor,

This is (hopefully) not a browser failure. The intention is to close the window of the questionnaire. But then, indeed, it turns blank.
Sorry about that, I do not know how to change this.


Post 6 made on Thursday August 12, 2004 at 11:35
igor burger
Long Time Member
May 2004

now the entire questionnaire remains blank. Not even the first intro page shows up anymore. As far as I recall, page 2 didn't end with question # 15

OP | Post 7 made on Thursday August 12, 2004 at 15:19
No Longer Registered
I think you need to delete your cookies and try ones again to fill in the questionnaire.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Post 8 made on Friday August 13, 2004 at 12:16
igor burger
Long Time Member
May 2004
wasn't the problem. Just talk to the survey monkeys. Finished the Q a second ago

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