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iPronto, wireless network and NetX
This thread has 16 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 17.
Post 16 made on Wednesday July 14, 2004 at 23:24
Barry Gordon
Founding Member
August 2001
In my HT there are two IR receivers in the front of the room under the screen and one up at the projector which is ceiling mounted and slightly in front of the seating area.

The ipronto when held more or less horizontal hits the front IR receivers and when held vertical hits the one at the projector. I get very reliable IR operation, but there are other factors in my system deign which aide this.

a) All IR receivers are on a Xantech IR network and drive a single emitter which drives an IR to RS232 converter. the RS232 (decoded IR command) is then sent as an ascii string to the PC which handles all control logic and emits either IR or RS232 to the component to be controlled.

b) The iPronto never puts out more than a single IR command per button (touchscreen) press. All macro expansions are done in the PC.

As I said before, in my system the iPronto is a very fancy/pretty IR remote nothing more nothing less. I have no use for RF and it is much less reliable than IR in my situation.
Post 17 made on Saturday August 21, 2004 at 04:39
Long Time Member
August 2004
The NetX communicates directly with the iPronto only when it is being configured, so during setup the WAP does not need to be powered up.

However, once configured, the NetX only communicates via a WAP. This arrangement allows multiple WAPs to be used to increase the Wi-Fi coverage area and hence increase the maximum distance between the iPronto and any NetX device.

So for reliable iPronto to NetX communications both devices must be in range of one or more WAPs on the same wired network. The WAPs must have the same SSID and WEP settings and are probably best set on different non-overlapping RF channels e.g. 1, 6 or 11.

Using the NetX has advantages even if it is in the same room as the iPronto because it will not suffer macro failures that can happen if the iPronto's IR gets blocked during the sequence for any reason.
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