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Can't load the IPronto Config File......Hangs
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Post 1 made on Monday December 29, 2003 at 09:34
Lurking Member
November 2003

Does anyone know how I can stop a "Processing your IPronto file"? It's been running for 8 hours with no luck.

It must have become corrupt, it worked a couple days ago.

I need to get to the setup page and force download the new software.

All support would be much appreciated.

Post 2 made on Monday December 29, 2003 at 09:55
Long Time Member
August 2003
hit the reset button while holding down the scroll button. That works for me even while its in the middle of processing the config file
Post 3 made on Monday December 29, 2003 at 10:10
Long Time Member
December 2003
In the next paragraph is what I posted in another thread. This was in response to very long "processing times" for the ICF. You might want to let your's run its course -- although I realize at some point (12 hours or 24 hours of this nonsense) you'll want to bail and do a "reset" at which time you can attempt a forced download (which won't do much more than take more time and frustration and allow the ICF to configure once, maybe, without a long processing time). So, if/when you get the ICF file that's now in the middle of a long processing time to finally end, consider the following (which I admit is a work-around) --

"Yes, I've had same issue. Here's what works for me. After getting the ICF just right (downloading my tweaked ICF to iPronto and "learning" any remote buttons), I upload and save a copy of this "perfect" ICF to my PC. Then, once a week (sometimes twice a week if I'm active on the iPronto -- yes, I find the more active the surfing and EPG use, the more frequently I need to do this), I download that saved "perfect" ICF, and generally within 3 to 5 minutes the iPronto is back in action. Then, the ICF configuration takes just 5 to 20 minutes each morning after the EPG is updated. By the end of the week, the ICF configuration is taking 30 to 45 minutes, so I repeat the download of my "perfect" ICF to the iPronto. My ICF file is just under 1.4 mb" (you can reduce the ICF file to the barest minimum by going to iPronto Edit on your PC, loading the ICF, then clicking on View and then on Properties -- at the bottom of the Properties window there's a slider that you can set to minimize the file size and then download this reduced ICF to your iPronto). Smaller ICF is quicker to configure on the iPronto.
OP | Post 4 made on Monday December 29, 2003 at 12:48
Lurking Member
November 2003
Thanks to all, for your quick responses.

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