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rs232 control
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Post 1 made on Monday December 29, 2003 at 08:26
Long Time Member
October 2003
Reading all of the posts in this forum and other reports on the net I am getting the impression that the iPronto is very much an unfinished product.

I am looking to use the iPronto for the following...

1. Control of home cinema (via rs232 as hidden in cupboard)

2. Control of lutron system (again via rs232)

3. Access to webcams (garage, nursery etc etc)

It seems as the iPronto may be some way off on these requirements so I may have to go the crestron route, would you agree?

Cheers, Phil.

Post 2 made on Monday December 29, 2003 at 09:58
Long Time Member
August 2003
if you use the NTX6400 with the ipronto I believe it functions just like a crestron would. Meaning, the ipronto sends out a RF command to the NTX6400 which then sends an IR command to the appropiate source.
Post 3 made on Tuesday January 6, 2004 at 19:43
Long Time Member
October 2003
If your buget allows. Save yourself some grief. GET THE CRESTRON!!!
Post 4 made on Wednesday January 14, 2004 at 17:53
Long Time Member
September 2003
Can I possibly suggest that rather than "unfinished", the iPronto should be regarded as a product in its infancy. Philips are evolving the iPronto firmware day by day and are addressing the issues that are raised and adding new features too.

Sure, with a lowly 400MHz processor the thing is never going to win any prizes for speed but at the end of the day it's a remote control and as such it does seem to do its job very well ... if you want a fully featured web browser with the speed for video then maybe look at the Philips DesXcape units?

Post 5 made on Wednesday January 14, 2004 at 22:58
RC Moderator
October 2002
Ah Ha! That Explains it all......

I would never expect a 6 month old infant to be able to control an advanced home media system! Why should I expect an $1800 remote control to do so!

Its all so clear now....

Seriously though...... If RS-232 is on your mind, AMX and Crestron are worth the investment.
Post 6 made on Thursday January 22, 2004 at 22:01
Barry Gordon
Founding Member
August 2001
IF Rs232 and IR control is what you need: then a PC (I use an older laptop from IBM), an IR rcvr/decoder i.e. IR to RS232 fully decoded (I use the NECIR2PC from custom remotes), An IR sender RS232 to IR (I use the Nirvis Slinke) and a Pronto PRO as the user interface makes a very nice system. Total price today about 2000-3200. A lot cheaper than a Crestron or AMX system but does not have web browsing or video display. But then again all I wanted was a very sophisticated remote control. Oh yes you better know how to program a PC in some language (VB or something similar)

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