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Reboot times!
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Post 1 made on Thursday December 4, 2003 at 13:36
Long Time Member
March 2003
I hope there is a solution to this! Every morning, after the EPG download, ipronto reboots, and reloads the icf. This isn't a problem usually. After time, 5 or 6 days, it takes almost two hours to reboot. I have read about this problem here before, and have forced a new firmware download. That solution lasts for a few days, and the returns. I thought maybe there is an issue with my icf, so I left the default loaded, and the problem happens again. Today, I left it unplugged overnight, and tried to use it this afternoon, to show how cool it is to one of my friends. I could not. I plugged it in, and the two hour reboot process is now underway. Does it makes sense that it must be plugged in every night? Is there a more permanent solution to this? Thanks for any help.
Post 2 made on Thursday December 4, 2003 at 16:30
Long Time Member
October 2003
The only solution will be new software.

Maybe deactivating the EPG will help. I havent tried it but EPG is definately the culpret. Let's hope new software with the fix (and no new bugs) comes out soon...
Post 3 made on Sunday December 14, 2003 at 09:13
Long Time Member
May 2003
I am having the same exact problem. This is getting very old, very fast!!!!
Post 4 made on Sunday December 21, 2003 at 12:43
Long Time Member
April 2003
Dear all, I have the same problem... Already my iPronto needs nearly 3 hours to process my ICF. A solution is really needed!!! Many thanks in advance to everyone who knows a solution... Olaf
Post 5 made on Sunday December 21, 2003 at 16:28
Long Time Member
December 2003
Yes, I've had same issue. Here's what works for me. After getting the ICF just right (downloading my tweaked ICF to iPronto and "learning" any remote buttons), I upload and save a copy of this "perfect" ICF to my PC. Then, once a week (sometimes twice a week if I'm active on the iPronto -- yes, I find the more active the surfing and EPG use, the more frequently I need to do this), I download that saved "perfect" ICF, and generally within 3 to 5 minutes the iPronto is back in action. Then, the ICF configuration takes just 5 to 20 minutes each morning after the EPG is updated. By the end of the week, the ICF configuration is taking 30 to 45 minutes, so I repeat the download of my "perfect" ICF to the iPronto. My ICF file is just under 1.4 mb.
Post 6 made on Monday December 22, 2003 at 06:18
Long Time Member
April 2003
Hi, do I understand right that the solution is to upload a running ICF from iPronto to PC and than to download it back to the iPronto every time when processing the ICF file takes longer and longer? My ICF file is only 940 kB but it still needs nearly 3 hours to reboot. I'll check your workaround and will inform about the result. (By the way: iPronto is running latest firmware...) Thanks in advance. Olaf
Post 7 made on Monday December 22, 2003 at 12:21
Long Time Member
April 2003
Hi GRS, it works!!! I just downloaded my ICF (940.266 kB) to the iPronto, what takes nearly 4 hours already. After that I uploaded it to my PC, (the uploaded file has exactly the same size as the downloaded one!) saved it with a new file name on my PC and downloaded it once again to the iPronto. After less than 10 minutes my iPronto was ready for use!
So, at first many thanks for that workaround! But now I'm very interested when Philips will offer a new firmware solving that problem...
Post 8 made on Monday December 22, 2003 at 19:19
Long Time Member
May 2003
How do you de-activate the EPG?
Post 9 made on Monday December 22, 2003 at 19:34
Long Time Member
October 2003
Force a fresh download from the ipronto site and don't enter a key for the EPG. Poof no EPG.
Post 10 made on Tuesday December 23, 2003 at 04:47
Long Time Member
April 2003
Dear all, from my point of view EPG is one of the major advantages of the iPronto. So I'll stay with EPG enabled and will download the "fast" ICF file to iPronto everytime when booting becomes slow...

I'm looking forward to an answer from Philips and will post it asap.

Merry Xmas to all of you and be aware that there's something other than playing with your iPronto to do during the next days.
Post 11 made on Tuesday December 23, 2003 at 15:03
Lurking Member
December 2003
I wish I could play with my iPronto but it has been processing my ICF for 17 hours. This is getting old real fast. I would love to have the EPG problem at this point. I am just trying to get my basic configuration loaded. Has anyone noticed having the Watch function enabled impacts ICF download time?
Post 12 made on Tuesday December 23, 2003 at 19:46
Long Time Member
December 2003
I haven't noticed any correlation between the Watch function and the ICF download time or the ICF configuration time. Once your ICF finally configures, I'd suggest uploading your ICF from the iPronto to your PC, saving it, and then immediately downloading back to the iPronto. The configuration time should be greatly reduced (maybe as short as 5 or 10 minutes -- although this presumably depends on the size of your ICF). I do this once a week and find that the ICF configuraton time after each EPG update is usually pretty short.
Post 13 made on Wednesday December 24, 2003 at 21:11
Lurking Member
December 2003
I have the same problem as what was mentioned in the posts. My reboot is taking 12 hours.
I just got off the phone with Philips' tech support (1-888-486-6272) and they do not know anything about this. I asked if anyone else has reported this problem and they said no.
I am concerned that if they do not know about this then it won't be addressed in the next version of the firmware.
Perhaps those of us with the problem should call Philips and formally register the problem so that they can start working on it.
They said that there should be a way to control the frequency with with the iPronto is updated with the EPG data. I know that it is not a solution but at least a way to reduce the occurance of the problem.
They couldn't tell me how to do it though.
Post 14 made on Thursday December 25, 2003 at 11:46
Long Time Member
April 2003
Dear all,

I wrote an eMail to Philips and this is the answer:

Dear Mr. Goette,

Thank you for your enquiry.

We will take a closer look at this issue and will check whether it is possible to implement a solution in a future firmware release. Furthermore, thank you for the tip you have send us.

Kind regards,
Vincent Pfeil

Philips Pronto/URC European helpdesk

p.s. Please keep this message complete when replying.

Now let us wait and see....

Merry Xmas to all of you

Olaf (from Germany)

Post 15 made on Sunday December 28, 2003 at 16:20
Long Time Member
April 2003
Dear all,

I didn' got an answer from Philips already, but I there's a new hypothesis in my head I would like to share whith you:
After downloading a good (see above) ICF to the iPronto the time for rebooting (after EPG update) every day seems not to increase. Is it possible that "our" problem only appears if we don't downloaded a "good" ICF? Would be fine to receive your experiences...

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