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Daniel I know you talk to Philips
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Topic: | Daniel I know you talk to Philips This thread has 3 replies. Displaying all posts. |
Post 1 made on Friday November 7, 2003 at 06:28 |
tintruder Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | April 2003 106 |
Have you asked them if they intend to blend the capabilities of the iPronto/Pronto and the DesXcape Smart Display?
It's a perfect crossover, for instance the ViewSonic SDs have the NEVO remote (inflexible and poorly supported as it is).
640x480 on the iPronto is pretty weak for web browsing, but perfectly adequate as a touchscreen remote. In fact the iPronto is a more reasonable size for a device that is used 80%+ as a remote and 20%- as a browser.
Conversely, the 15" DesXcape is pretty big for a remote, but perfect for the wireless browser and other functions. Enough so that the PC utility would make the large size tolerable for a remote. (I think the 10" ViewSonic is too small for computer use with 800x600 resolution limit though the size is similar to the iPronto overall)
Ultimately, folks are going to make purchase decisions, and I believe that few will purchase both of these items because they are seemingly/visually so similar yet functionally so different and so expensive.
Yet both offer adequate crossover potential so if Philips decided to exploit some of this convergence, it would certainly improve sales of both items, or even end up merging both into one and selling even more.
There are so many devices that are fantastic examples of engineering yet never rise above being "niche" items because of how they are marketed or stalled in "tunnelvision" development.
There are also sophisticated and expensive items which become widely adopted and ultimately cheap to purchase like DVD players, cell phones, etc.
I'd love to see the Pronto line become the latter, but it's going to take more effort and innovation from Philips to make it happen.
The technology is all here.
Post 2 made on Friday November 7, 2003 at 15:48 |
Daniel Tonks Wrangler of Remotes |
Joined: Posts: | October 1998 28,785 |
Although it's all Philips, I can see a problem: they're seperate divisions. In big companies, it seems common for completely separate divisions to never have meaningful contact with each other.
Sort of like why didn't the Pronto group get together with the Velo / Nino people.
Post 3 made on Friday November 7, 2003 at 16:52 |
Anthony Ultimate Member |
Joined: Posts: | May 2001 28,908 |
working ain a big company, I must agree with Daniel. But I would also add that different teams (even if they talk, or can talk if they wanted to) also tend to have different objectives.
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OP | Post 4 made on Friday November 7, 2003 at 21:13 |
tintruder Long Time Member |
Joined: Posts: | April 2003 106 |
I know they are a big company and the divisions have different objectives, but ultimately in even the biggest companies, somebody cares about revenue.
To add capabilities in two products by sharing work already done, they would improve both products, enhancing the saleability, and thus increasing revenue.
Even (in the case of the DesXcape) simply differentiating themselves from competitors (only VS in the USA, but about 5 more worldwide) would be a distinct selling point advantage.
I do not know who to talk to about this at Philips, and Daniel, if perhaps you prefer not to, I'd do so if provided the names of some valid contacts.
I am also working through the Microsoft side of the SD team to approach Philips with the same ideas, especially since VS dropped the ball with NEVO so completely.
I like Philips products a lot and would like to help make them even more satisfactory in my home and that of clients.
Thanks for your help!
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