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Post 1 made on Wednesday October 29, 2003 at 01:03
Don Davis
Lurking Member
October 2003

I am using a Prontopro tsu6000, sysV1.4, App V1.4, default 1 V1.1 It is new and I am not an experienced user.
I have a Bose LifeStyle 50 music system
I downloaded from BlueDo CCF 1024MRI

The first thing I noticed was that the CCF overwrote my entire system and I lost all the macros and training that I had in the remote.
The first screen on LS/50 page did actually control the Bose system,
The second thing I noticed was that the screen image looked good until I tried to page down to the second screen and then everything fell apart. Total garbage.

I read the "read me first" pages on the Pronto, one suggestion was that the ccf might have had a problem downloading, their suggestion was that I have the pronto powered on in the docking station when downloading begins. I followed the instruction and woke up the pronto just before the download started.
This did not fix the problem.

I have had to reinstall the Pronto operating system each time after I downloaded the ccf.
The Pronto has 97% of free memory when the ccf 1024MRI is loaded and 93% free memory when it is reverted to the factory settings.
Am I doing something wrong, why is the ccf overwriting the entire system?

Finally, is there someone out there who can program my Prontopro if given a list of my system componets

Help please.

Don Davis
Post 2 made on Wednesday October 29, 2003 at 06:39
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
You're in the wrong forum...

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