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Harmony Elite w/LG CX Problem Programming Network NAS Input
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Post 1 made on Wednesday December 1, 2021 at 15:26
Junior Member
December 2021
OK, the title needs clarification. I have a network based DLNA NAS connected to the same network subnet as my Harmony Elite. Using the LG Magic Remote I can hit the input button (the one located between "Netflix" and Prime Video") and the network name of my NAS shows up down on the far right hand end next to HDMI4. Using the LG remote I can pick my NAS and watch videos that I have stored on the NAS.

I'm trying to find a command that will simulate the pressing of that "Input" button. From there I can just do a few "Direction Right" commands to select the NAS. I've tried everything that I can think of! Anybody have any ideas?
Post 2 made on Monday January 10, 2022 at 02:08
Junior Member
January 2022
Have you tried to program that particular button press into the harmony so it can learn that signal?

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