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Harmony Remotes in 2021
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Post 1 made on Friday November 5, 2021 at 23:16
Junior Member
November 2021
I've used Harmony remotes since the 880 way back in the late 2000's. Now I have a Harmony Ultimate One, but the battery doesn't keep a charge and a couple of the buttons are mushy.

Does anyone have any insight on Logitech's plans for the future? The 950 looks like it's discontinued, and the Elite includes the hub that I already have. They have the Pro line, but I'm not an installer, so I can't buy it myself (can I?). Are they getting out of the consumer side, and focusing solely on the integrators now?

Last edited by karbomike on November 6, 2021 05:03.
Post 2 made on Sunday November 7, 2021 at 16:01
Junior Member
November 2021
My understanding is that Logitech have now discontinued all Harmony remotes, as of around April 2021. Support for current models apparently remains, for now, but the future seems uncertain.

They claim that in this current world of the connected home the need for a Universal Remote is already delivered via the IoT.

I, for one, think this is a shame and have stood by and watched Logitech slowly erode the value in what used to be a flagship brand.

RIP Harmony - Logitech, not so much - stick to mice and keyboards.

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