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Discrete Service Menu code for 1997 JVC TV
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Post 1 made on Saturday December 31, 2022 at 04:42
Junior Member
December 2022
JVC AV-T2977 (marketed in Brazil and Mexico)

Haunting for service code for this CRT is driving me nuts. Never had any difficulty to access hidden menu on others sets, this set needs some POS and SIZE adjustments. (I'm experienced in messing with Service Menus, I always follow the service manual table, so I know the risks and the need for extreme caution there. I will inform a function that will lead to service menu on some sets, but I do not advise anyone to try it without knowing what are doing).

Service Manual states only these two keys pressed simultaneously would bring it: DISPLAY and VIDEO STATUS (also know as AV STATUS), without any other procedure necessary (of course, already tried some others variations found on internet).

These two which is Device 3 Function 106 already learned by community didn't work for my TV and I don't have a clue why. Also tried other 2 that are claimed to be service mode but it didn't work.

My theory 1: maybe because my TV is from South America and marketed under other brand the combo key from the original remote produce another code from those from North America.

Theory 2: (I bet most for it): Not all remotes from different JVC models generate the same service menu code after pressing these two keys.

Theory 3: PICTURE MODE and CINEMA GAME could be substitutes for VIDEOS STATUS in some TVs, an thus, generate different OBC (function) when pressed with DISPLAY, and thus be the same code used for some remotes that states the usual DISPLAY and AV/VIDEO STATUS combination.

Already tried some gaps, afraid of trying more and put it in some trouble, so by now I will ask someone help with a real remote. If you have JVC remotes could you kindly learn from them to see if there's any different code from these both keys being pressed and if not exactly the same name for VIDEO STATUS, his variations?

Last edited by hardtecnica on December 31, 2022 04:52.
OP | Post 2 made on Saturday December 31, 2022 at 20:57
Junior Member
December 2022
Solved. After trying all the gaps I found the discrete "Brightness" to be a back door for service menu on this TV since the usual combo (D3 F106) didn't work:

JVC D3 F109 Bright (Service Menu by tap EXIT there).

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