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Post 1 made on Monday October 18, 2021 at 15:54
Junior Member
October 2021
i have to program a HDR 4K UHD Smart Nano Cell LED TV but in the program the model number for the tv doesn't, what can I do from there
Jose Martinez
Post 2 made on Monday October 18, 2021 at 21:44
Brad Humphrey
Super Member
February 2004
The codes are mostly the same for TV brands, you just choose another TV model from that brand. If the 1st choice doesn't have all the codes you need, try another model.

You typed out 8 words to describe the TV and yet never said the brand or model number. WOW! LOL.
I'm guessing it's an LG, since that is the only manufacture that uses the term 'Nano cell' that I can think of right now. LG codes are pretty consistent across the lines over the years. So any modern LG TV codes in the last 10 years should work fine.

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