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Mesh wifi, dual or tri-bands?
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Post 1 made on Wednesday October 30, 2024 at 15:53
King of typos
Loyal Member
June 2002
Currently I have 5 tri-band wifi AP. 4 of which are plugged in via ethernet. The fifth is using its wifi to mesh with the others as well as providing ethernet to a Dish Network Joey.

They are a mix of Linksys Velop A03v2 and WHW03v2 all with the latest firmware.

I just came across what I think is a great deal for Wifi 6. However, they are dual-band.

I bought the tri-band because I know that they use the 3rd band to talk to one another while leaving the 1st and 2nd bands open for my wireless devices. At least that is my understanding.

Would it be considered an upgrade to the Wi-Fi 6 dual-band? The primary devices that use Wi-Fi are portable devices like smartphones and tablets, as well as smart home devices like switches, plugs, and similar gadgets. Most high data devices, such as streaming boxes, are connected via Ethernet. However, this setup is specific to my current home. When I move, I’m uncertain about being able to wire. It’s possible that everything will be wireless.

Post 2 made on Thursday October 31, 2024 at 00:09
Super Member
May 2003
If the mesh nodes will be wireless, tri-band offers better performance — if only because they will be a more modern design.

If I encounter a WiFi 4 or 5 system that is struggling a bit with its coverage, I’ll replace it with WiFi 6. In many cases I can eliminate a mesh point. Soon WiFi 7 will have matured to the point where I’ll skip WiFi 6.

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