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Microsoft Wireless 4K Adapter Discontinued - Replacement options?
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Post 1 made on Friday September 27, 2024 at 15:07
Mac Burks (39)
Elite Member
May 2007
We are currently using Microsoft Wireless 4K Adapters in conference rooms so that employees can cast their MS Surfaces to the various display make/models. The MS product is now discontinued. It was under $100 and worked perfectly.

What made it perfect was the idle/splash screen that simply said "Press Windows + K to connect" to connect via miracast. Every room across a dozen regional offices had the same user experience. One where the user was told exactly what to do.

I recently got in an IOGEAR product that does the exact same thing but the idle/splash screen makes no mention of the Windows+K, miracast connection even though it works. Instead the screen has directions to connect to WiFi...which i don't want.

Is there a product out there that has just the Windows + K screen or a product that lets me load a custom image where i have control of what the screen tells my users?

Note: I included screenshots of the different interfaces but who knows if they will be blocked :).
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