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ROKU TV quality, gaming performance
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Post 1 made on Monday September 16, 2024 at 13:56
Super Member
May 2003
I have a friend who is somewhat price sensitive and needs to replace a dead TV. Budget is $500 or less. Probably will go for 55”. He’s a gamer, but not the latest and greatest gaming hardware. There is no cable TV.

My preference is usually SONY or Samsung. Someone suggested a ROKU TV to him. Are they any good?

One option would be the Samsung DU7200D or a slight step up to DU8000 (Voice remote and slightly better aesthetics). For me a concern with these is they are a single zone backlit panel. I prefer the better blacks offered by LED or multiple zones.

Post 2 made on Monday September 16, 2024 at 14:40
Long Time Member
March 2014

Last edited by ShaferCustoms on September 16, 2024 14:51.
Post 3 made on Monday September 16, 2024 at 16:59
Brad Humphrey
Super Member
February 2004
I use to install a lot of TVs with Roku built in (TCL being the recommended if someone wanted to go that route). But after all the BS this last year with ads, motion crap that can't be turned off, etc... I no longer recommend anyone get a TV with Roku built in. Under any circumstances.

At that price point: Samsung, LG, Sony, just don't have anything good. That is their entry level crap and it shows.

TCL has the 55Q651G.
1) It's Google TV based. You can add an external Roku cheap, which is the preferred way. Or maybe they'll like Google TV and just use that.
2) It's Quantum Dot at a great price. Although there is recent controversy that the Quantum Dot used by TCL maybe fake. It still looks better than anything from the big brands at this price point.
3) ALLM for gaming.
4) Can be had for $318 everywhere right now. [Link:]
Post 4 made on Tuesday September 17, 2024 at 09:27
Trunk-Slammer -Supreme
Loyal Member
November 2003
We just picked up a basic LG 65" at Costco for under $500.

Quite happy with the very limited apps it has we use a Tivo and Roku for apps anyway.

Picture quality isn't near the $2000.00 QLED's, but for the money, we are both satisfied.

LG 85" was $650.00, but too big for the room.
Post 5 made on Tuesday September 17, 2024 at 15:21
Loyal Member
November 2007
My Costco last Saturday had a 75" TCL (I think) for $500. Crazy.

To answer your original question.  I have the Roku TCL's in my wife's office, my office.  Picture is good, no issues with the tv, remote is a Roku remote.  No complaints.  I think I paid $220 for 50" televisions at Wallly world.
Post 6 made on Tuesday September 17, 2024 at 21:02
Long Time Member
June 2004
I have a few Roku TVs in my house in the non video critical rooms and for the money you cant beat em. Plus full IP control using the standard Roku modules. Where else are you gonna find a solid IP controlled TV for $100-150??

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