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Paramount and Dreamworks go EXCLUSIVE HD-DVD
This thread has 139 replies. Displaying posts 121 through 135.
Post 121 made on Friday September 7, 2007 at 09:57
Super Member
August 2006
On September 7, 2007 at 09:51, Stealth X said...
i can well imagine
someone around here will feel pretty silly if they win
out in the end. have you even considered this scenario

Stealth.... wow man. Do you have any idea the fury you're bringing down on yourself with this statement?

The next page of this thread is going to be awesome to read....!

....Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Post 122 made on Friday September 7, 2007 at 10:55
Stealth X
Senior Member
November 2005
On September 7, 2007 at 09:57, smokinghot said...
Stealth.... wow man. Do you have any idea the fury you're
bringing down on yourself with this statement?

The next page of this thread is going to be awesome to


LOL!!! funny i actually came back in here to rephrase that from a question into some sort of statemtent in order to avoid a response... guess its in stone now along with the commandments, haha.
Post 123 made on Saturday September 8, 2007 at 00:33
RTI Installer
Super Member
March 2002
Its all a pointless debate right now, the same war went on for quite a few years with VHS versus beta max. Beta max was by far a superior format, but lost out to VHS because Sony would not share the technology with any one else. Even after the consumer Beta products fell off the market, Sony continued to produce a top selling industrial beta product line for a long, long time. Maybe the same thing will happen with BR and HDV maybe it wont, it’s way to early to tell.
Never Ignore the Obvious -- H. David Gray
Post 124 made on Saturday September 8, 2007 at 04:43
Long Time Member
December 2004
Interview with Alan Bell at CEIDA on Paramounts decision:

The part on yield rates in disc replication quoted:
"HD DVD is already achieving significantly higher yields in replication at much lower costs."

This quote was taken from AVS explaining yield rates. They do not allow links:

"Sony’s yields have improved “a bit” this summer and are up to around 50% depending on how much data is on the disc. The more data, the lower the yields, the lower the data, the higher the yield number goes, but 50% is just about max right now (give or take a percentage point or two).

As for independent replicators, there are four “major’s” that are capable of doing BD50’s according to my sources. They are Cinram, Deluxe, Panasonic, & Infodisc. Of these four, one of them (unnamed by the request of my source at that company) is getting yields on BD50’s up there with Sony in the 50% range. The other three can’t get above 10%, but Sony is lending a hand to them to increase their yields. I am assuming they will get things in line based upon the one independent that I referenced above who has been able to increase yields.

An interesting side note to this though is the yields on BD25’s, that are much lower than I thought they would be. Right now, the are hovering in the 60-70% range and are in the same scenario as the BD50’s when it comes to the amount of data on the disc. The lower the amount of data, the higher the yields are. At this point in the game, I would have expected the single layer discs to be much higher than they currently are.

Another thing that should be noted is that Paramount/Dreamworks was using one of the three replicators that couldn’t get the yields up above 10% on BD50’s. Could this have been one of the things that precipitated their move to HD DVD?"
Post 125 made on Saturday September 8, 2007 at 11:24
Ultimate Member
May 2001
well with this recent shift in power combined with a $200 player being made available for Xmas would lead me to believe that HD-DVD is on the rise.

what shift in power, that the only way Toshiba can get toi support their format is buy bribing them (as admitted by a Toshiba exec)? That there is a slew of studios that have announced BD support recently? that there are tons of new BD players coming out soon.

i can well imagine someone around here will feel pretty silly if they win out in the end. have you even considered this scenario Anthony?

if the impossible happens, then so be it, but how silly must someone feal for saying

i can well imagine someone around here will feel pretty silly if they win out in the end. have you even considered this scenario Anthony?

for something that is available today?

PS even today after your shift BD movies are way outselling HD DVD even on weeks when there are no BD movies that are released

Last edited by Anthony on September 8, 2007 11:31.
Post 126 made on Saturday September 8, 2007 at 11:38
Ultimate Member
May 2001
Interview with Alan Bell at CEIDA on Paramounts decision:

and funnyy how he does not mention the money paid to them but cares about "yields" that don't affect him :) some people would buy anything no matter how dumb when it is pro HD DVD
Post 127 made on Saturday September 8, 2007 at 15:29
Select Member
December 2002
Howabout HD VMD? It probably will be a non-starter if it doesn't get any major movie company support, but it is supposed to be quite a bit cheaper than HD DVD and much cheaper than Blu-Ray:

I'm not a pro
Post 128 made on Monday September 10, 2007 at 09:59
Select Member
December 2002
Here's an interesting article talking about how some movies from Blu-Ray only companies are actually also available on HD-DVD:

I'm not a pro
Post 129 made on Monday September 10, 2007 at 11:54
Eastside A/V
Select Member
September 2006
CJ, that is some interesting stuff. Thanks for the link.
Bryan Levy
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Post 130 made on Monday September 10, 2007 at 19:41
Ultimate Member
May 2001
actually that is the worst excuse for an article I have ever read (no offencce CJ). This guy should actually check what he is talking about before writing real dum=b articles.

There is no BD little secret or anything. Since the dawn of studios many movies had different distributors in different region. It could be a Fox, Disney, LG or Sony in the US but in Europe or Asia it could be some other studios release. The first HD DVD released was by Toshiba in Japan (small studio/distributor there) and was a Sony title here. The truth is that it is true for all studios WB released here Weinstein’s TMNT on BD and HD DVD because Warner does both. Or [Link:] so in the UK Bruce Almighty is Buena vista and so BD only while in NA it is Universal and so HD DVD. Would this Universals title (and others) be HD DVDs dirty little secret? Is Universal and Weinstein committing adultery.
Post 131 made on Tuesday September 11, 2007 at 00:28
WhiteVan Lifestyle
Loyal Member
July 2007
I just read an ad for five free BR Discs of your choice when you buy a BR Player. This was followed by an ad a couple of pages later for a Toshiba HD DVD player with no free stuff.
Safe 'n Sound Central Coast CA [Link:]
Post 132 made on Tuesday September 11, 2007 at 09:16
Stealth X
Senior Member
November 2005
On September 11, 2007 at 00:28, WhiteVan Lifestyle said...
I just read an ad for five free BR Discs of your choice
when you buy a BR Player. This was followed by an ad a
couple of pages later for a Toshiba HD DVD player with
no free stuff.

the 360 add-on also has a promotion for 5 free HD-DVD movies.
Post 133 made on Tuesday September 11, 2007 at 11:46
Select Member
December 2002
On September 10, 2007 at 19:41, Anthony said...
actually that is the worst excuse for an article I have
ever read (no offencce CJ). This guy should actually check
what he is talking about before writing real dum=b articles.

There is no BD little secret or anything. Since the dawn
of studios many movies had different distributors in different
region. It could be a Fox, Disney, LG or Sony in the
US but in Europe or Asia it could be some other studios
release. The first HD DVD released was by Toshiba in Japan
(small studio/distributor there) and was a Sony title
here. The truth is that it is true for all studios WB
released here Weinstein’s TMNT on BD and HD DVD because
Warner does both. Or [Link:]
so in the UK Bruce Almighty is Buena vista and so BD
only while in NA it is Universal and so HD DVD. Would
this Universals title (and others) be HD DVDs dirty little
secret? Is Universal and Weinstein committing adultery.

No offence taken, but I'll disagree with you somewhat. Sure it is sensationalist journalism, but it still shows that movies that the war is not just black and white...

I'm not a pro
Post 134 made on Tuesday September 11, 2007 at 12:20
Advanced Member
December 2002
On September 11, 2007 at 11:46, cjoneill said...
No offence taken, but I'll disagree with you somewhat.
Sure it is sensationalist journalism, but it still shows
that movies that the war is not just black and white...


For some people it is........
Post 135 made on Tuesday September 11, 2007 at 15:18
Long Time Member
December 2005
Sony makes a great TV and I own two of them.

I do not intend to point this at anyone but Sony so please don't take anything I say as a personal attack.

Now for my opinion on all the other Sony Stuff. Let me start by saying I was an early adopter of the Beta max VCR and was so angry about being left twisting by Sony when they dropped support of their own beta max product. I have been burned too many times by Sony with their screw the consumer business model that actively exploits proprietary memory and batteries for cameras and anything Sony at twice the cost of any other comparable product produced by other manufacturers.

Don't forget the root kits embedded in Sony DVD movies because after all we all are thieves. If you stopped the root kit during install it corrupted your DVD playback software and rendered your PC unable to play any DVD ever, until you did a total wipe and re-install on that PC.

Blue ray is just another attempt to use their screw the consumer business model. But this time it is with an inferior product. The BD is more expensive less durable due to the overly thin protective layer over the media. That thin layer is due to the need to reduce the media write failures during production. It has had problems with DVD rot like some of the Laser Disc media did. I just know Sony will drop the BD as soon as they can force us to buy everything all over again by changing the media to an incompatible format. With 30 years of being screwed by Sony I just no longer trust Sony.

The HD DVD has a great feature... Dual sided media that allows the purchaser to buy an HD DVD that Has DVD on one side and HD on the other side. Now I can watch it in HD in the home theater and use the standard DVD side to watch it in my RV or bedroom or wherever without having to own multiple copies. The consumer who has only DVD hardware now but plans to get HD hardware in the future can buy it and watch it now then already has the HD version for viewing on his future purchase of HD hardware. That is truly a great consumer friendly feature and is only on HD DVD and not blue ray.

I hope BD dies a slow and costly death. I hope there are enough Sony BD fan boys to make Sony justify spending enough money on this format to really hurt Sony. Possibly Sony will realize that their screw the consumer business model does not work on educated consumers who don't forget how Sony has screwed them in the past. We the consumer have the power to force Sony to conform and I plan to do my best to do my part.

OK done with my rant ;)
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