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Blumoo and Flirc dongle
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Post 1 made on Tuesday June 6, 2017 at 12:10
Long Time Member
May 2017
I am attempting the control my PS3 with a Blumoo and a Flirc dongel. Now that Blumoo is out of business they have limited support available. When I go to the Blumoo website I get the following instructions.

You can finally control your PS3 or PS4 reliably using Blumoo and the FLIRC dongle. The only limitation is that it CAN'T power the Playstation on or off. Follow these steps to load the attached profile.

Download the FLIRC GUI - [Link:]
Plug the FLIRC dongle into your computer
Select "load configuration" and choose the profile you downloaded below After you load the profile you can take the dongle out and plug it into your device

You will need to use the code set under
Streaming Player > Sony > PS3/4 FLIRC.

I have done all of the above but I don't know where the code set is located at. I would guess it is not on the Flirc and that those settings must be changes in the PS3 somewhere but I cannot find them anywhere.

Any help?


Last edited by Skyking75 on June 6, 2017 13:02.

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