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Heres one - Reading XML output from an HDI Dune Player
This thread has 42 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 30.
OP | Post 16 made on Monday June 17, 2024 at 01:18
Regular Member
June 2020
Go it, thanks

So I went into the editor software and changed it from a TSU9600 to a TSU9800, works in the emulator but not when I download it to the unit. any ideas on that? running firmware 7.4.22

Last edited by mpg7321 on June 17, 2024 01:26.
Post 17 made on Monday June 17, 2024 at 18:11
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
;-) You should know that I'd never send you a non-working file.

If I can guess the solution to your problem, might you buy me and my wife a $90USD steak dinner?

The Simulator uses the network configuration of the host PC. The Remote requires you to setup the network configuration in System Properties. I bet you forgot to do that part.
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
OP | Post 18 made on Tuesday June 18, 2024 at 13:25
Regular Member
June 2020
I don't know how to reply to this, I just asking for thoughts on why it works in the simulator but not on either of my 9800's and my 9600. You sound a bit insulted for me asking.
I have tried with both HTTP library 1.4 and the one you sent me

neither works and the script locks up the remote, where I have to power toggel the unit.

Last edited by mpg7321 on June 18, 2024 14:06.
Post 19 made on Tuesday June 18, 2024 at 16:02
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
Not insulted at all and sorry if you were. ;-)
If you select all text in my post, you'll see I put in an answer in a white font.

My first thought was that you did not configure the Network under System Properties.

You omitted critical details about any lockups in your earlier reply.

The file I sent you was setup for adhoc ProntoNetwork which means that TCP/IP access will not work. You must specify wireless With Wireless and Serial Extenders(s) and/or Music Server. You must configure for your own network

To my knowledge, firmware 7.4.22 does not exist.


I just ran this on my local 9600 against my own Dune to confirm working using both Firmware versions 7.3.3 and 7.2.22. With either firmware version, I cannot reproduce any lockups but I can reproduce not getting data as cannot connect to TCP/IP in adhoc mode. You did not mention how long it took for lockup to appear but I can safely say that if I don't see data, and I press the 'Home' button, I do get returned to the Home screen.

If your editor is PEP3, for sure you need to be using version 7.3.3 of the firmware. 7.2.22 may work for some things but if using overlays, etc, need the later version.

With regards to which HTTP library, use the v2.1 I sent you. I don't think I have the v1.4 installed anywhere as that was very old code and Philips updated several bugs in there. The v2.1 contains enhancements I made to support HTTP Chunking.

If you like, email me the config file that is locking up and I'll have a look.

Last edited by Lyndel McGee on June 18, 2024 16:40.
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
OP | Post 20 made on Wednesday June 19, 2024 at 01:13
Regular Member
June 2020

So, you omitted critical details about setup, that I would have to set up an adhoc network. LOL Thanks, but I do not think its worth changing over my network to accommodate this. I will have think about that a bit.

Thanks for every thing
Post 21 made on Wednesday June 19, 2024 at 12:16
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
Thanks for the link. I forgot all about the Beta firmware as I never use it at all. I run exclusively PEP2 and the firmware revisions above.

If you are not using any features from PEP3 such as overlays, I'd recommend using PEP2 and the latest releases of PEP2 firmware are they are very, very stable.

IIRC, PEP3 had some memory leaks under certain conditions and as such could raise errors that prevented you from saving a configuration.

To eliminate any confusion I may have caused regarding ad-hoc networks....

No ad-hoc network is needed for this at all. Just configure with your normal network configuration such that you have Wifi with Serial Extenders or Music Servers. IIRC, for TCP/IP to work properly on a remote, you must not be using RFX RFX9400 Extenders in what is known as Standalone mode where Pronto expects an ad-hoc network between an extender and the remote using WIFI SSID ProntoNetwork1, ProntoNetwork2, or ProntoNetwork3. In Standalone mode, the remote does not have a way of contacting anything on your premise except the RFX9400 extenders.

If you get a chance, can you please email me the file that's locking up for you as I really would like to test it with my Dune player as well. When this lockup does occur on the remote, can you use Chrome to capture the current text from your Dune and include that as .txt file when you email me the config? I'm wondering if there's something that Pronto is not expecting in that output. FYI, my Dune player is running with <param name="protocol" value ="4"/>

Thanks bunches,
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
Post 22 made on Wednesday June 19, 2024 at 13:16
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
Just tried the config I sent you running on my WEP128 network using firmware 7.4.22 on TSU9600 and I do not experience the lockup you mentioned. Please send me your file and the contents of what the Dune is submitting (using Chrome or Firefox) at the time the lockup occurs.

Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
OP | Post 23 made on Wednesday June 19, 2024 at 13:22
Regular Member
June 2020
I used the file you sent me, the only changes I made was the Dune IP and my network settings, Dl it to my remotes to test. I haven't integrated it yet to my build. You email the file twice to my work email, I used the first one you sent. By chance did you change something and sent a second time?

I wonder if its this line,
installParamToGUIWidget(paramsObject, 'playback_title', 'PLAYBACK_TITLE');

for my player it would be,
installParamToGUIWidget(paramsObject, 'playback_caption', 'PLAYBACK_TITLE');

changing it did not change any thing, do I need to make changes else ware if I change that one line?

Ok, the remote does not lock up anymore, I figured out it was my mistake, so at least that's a non-issue, but still no feedback being displayed

Last edited by mpg7321 on June 19, 2024 13:34.
Post 24 made on Wednesday June 19, 2024 at 13:44
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
Yes, please use the 2nd one as it had some fixes in it that you'd need.

The subject was entitled Final File. Sorry for any confusion, I assumed you'd use the 2nd one.

Re: Dune Status sample config - Final file
Jun 16 at 10:22 PM

The previous file was not the final one. There were unsaved changes in PEP. This is the final one.

With regard to the param name mismatch, what protocol version is your Dune running? That is also very important. My Dune does not have a parameter named 'playback_caption'.

Use Chrome or Firefox to figure out which ones you want to display and then add them to the code. I picked 4 that were from my Dune that runs Protocol Version 4.

If you look at the function that you cited above with 'playback_caption', you will see that it tries to find a name of 'playback_caption' within the paramsObject and if it finds it it will try to install it to a GUI widget with a tag(ProntoScript name) of 'PLAYBACK_TITLE'

I've commented what the function does below.

function installParamToGUIWidget(paramsObject, paramKey, wTag) {
var w = GUI.widget(wTag);
// if widget was located.
if (w) {
var label;
// extract the value of the paramKey ('player_title' for example) from
// paramsObject
var value = paramsObject[paramKey];
// if value not found, display empty string, otherwise display the value as
// a string.
label = (value === undefined) ? "" : "" + value;
w.label = label;

With regard to the page script, I only added code to display 4 parameters that are useful from my Dune. 'player_state', 'playback_state', etc..

Feel free to add as many of those lines as you like to display different 'param' values that come from your Dune.

// use convenience function to populate widgets.
installParamToGUIWidget(paramsObject, 'player_state', 'PLAYER_STATE');
installParamToGUIWidget(paramsObject, 'playback_state', 'PLAYBACK_STATE');

// If Dune not playing, these fields will be undefined.
// our function checks for this condition and blanks out label.
installParamToGUIWidget(paramsObject, 'playback_duration', 'PLAYBACK_DURATION');
installParamToGUIWidget(paramsObject, 'playback_position', 'PLAYBACK_POSITION');
// this was added because of OP's original code. It is not on
// supplied by Lyndel's Dune player.
installParamToGUIWidget(paramsObject, 'playback_title', 'PLAYBACK_TITLE');


Last edited by Lyndel McGee on June 19, 2024 13:57.
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
Post 25 made on Wednesday June 19, 2024 at 13:59
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
On June 19, 2024 at 13:22, mpg7321 said...
changing it did not change any thing, do I need to make changes else ware if I change that one line?

LRM, No, you only need to add lines like installParamToGUIWidget in your page script. Any param that dune supplies will already be captured in the paramsObject javascript object as a field.

Ok, the remote does not lock up anymore, I figured out it was my mistake, so at least that's a non-issue, but still no feedback being displayed

What was your mistake if I may ask. Was it a mismatched quote or apostrophe or a missing parenthesis?
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
OP | Post 26 made on Wednesday June 19, 2024 at 14:17
Regular Member
June 2020
When I opened the file last time I went to change my Dune IP and place a period at the end.

Tried the second file, still no go. Question, on one of my 9800, I have the back sticker off, replaced the batteries, if I plug a network cable in, will it automatically switch from WIFI to LAN? I will try that later tonight to see if for any reason its WIFI, though I can't see why it would matter. But at least I can eliminate one possibility.
Post 27 made on Wednesday June 19, 2024 at 14:18
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
New file (DuneStatus2.xcf) is in work mailbox and contains some additional examples you will likely want to see to show you how to work with the data inside paramsObj.

I've also added a label on screen that will tell you the protocol version. I need to know what is displayed there, either from the simulator or from your remote. Both should be the same.

I've also made the changes (title -> caption) you mentioned above. Once you change the Dune IP address and the network parameters, please post back what you see in each label on the screen.

And... If you tell me you don't see any status on screen, then please, I need a full dump in a text file from Firefox or Chrome of what you see when you query the Dune from the web browser.

Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
Post 28 made on Wednesday June 19, 2024 at 14:28
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
There is also 2 bugs in the page script.

This line...

var textColor = (playerState === 'standby' || !playerState) ? 0xFF0000 : 0x00FF00;

Needs to be changed to this to show red during standby.
If you fix the === to == then button will show blue. You must also change the 0xFF0000 to 0x0000FF for it to show as red.

Here's the change...
var textColor = (playerState == 'standby' || !playerState) ? 0x0000FF : 0x00FF00;

Also, comment out this line please.

Which is 2 lines above the var textColor line change...
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
OP | Post 29 made on Friday June 21, 2024 at 23:52
Regular Member
June 2020
On June 19, 2024 at 14:28, Lyndel McGee said...
There is also 2 bugs in the page script.

This line...

var textColor = (playerState === 'standby' |
Needs to be changed to this to show red during standby.
If you fix the === to == then button will show blue. You must also change the 0xFF0000 to 0x0000FF for it to show as red.

Here's the change...
var textColor = (playerState == 'standby' |

Also, comment out this line please.

Which is 2 lines above the var textColor line change...

Those lines/changes you said to change are not in the script of either the two samples you emailed me. Could you paste both page and device sript here so I can just copy them?
Post 30 made on Monday June 24, 2024 at 20:25
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
Tonight, I sent you a 3rd file named DuneStatus2a.xcf to your work email.

Please check the spam folder. I also sent you a text-only email to your regular address.


Last edited by Lyndel McGee on June 24, 2024 22:54.
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
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