Sorry it took a while, hears the script I am running,
var url = CF.widget("DuneHD_URL","DuneHD_URL").label;
var CR = " HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n";
function DuneHD_IP(command) {
var SEND = command.concat(CR);
var socket = new TCPSocket(false);
socket.onConnect = function()
socket.onData = function()
var info =;
info.lastIndex = 0;
var title = info.match("playback_caption\" value=\"(.*?)\\(")[1];
info.lastIndex = 0;
var duration = info.match("playback_duration\" value=\"(.*?)\"")[1];
socket.onIOError = function(e)
the command being sent is,
[Link:]Sample of the returned data, minus the space following <
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
< command_result>
< param name="protocol_version" value="6"/>
< param name="phv_md5" value="D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E"/>
< param name="pltv_enabled" value="0"/>
< param name="playback_caption" value="Dazed and Confused (1 of 19)"/>
< param name="playback_extra_caption" value="Last Day of School, May 28, 1976, 1:05 p.m."/>
< param name="md5" value="AA82118DFFF0E8AC5393DA2259966DA5"/>
< param name="product_id" value="tv175v"/>
< param name="serial_number" value="0000-0001-6075-9349-5201-249D-8928-B3B3"/>
< param name="firmware_version" value="240123_0207_r22"/>
< param name="commercial_serial_number" value="EC175V001232100148"/>
< param name="product_name" value="Pro Vision 4K Solo"/>
< /command_result>
there can be over a 100 lines of returned date.
when I display INFO in a panel and run the simulator, repeating query every 5 seconds, I noticed it switches between the above example to HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Is it being an XML file?
Last edited by mpg7321 on June 14, 2024 13:28.