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Quo vadis Pro Remote Control?
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Post 1 made on Friday August 23, 2024 at 09:27
Lurking Member
January 2010

I am using now for years Philips Pronto, which production has been stopped a lot of years ago - I even have one 9800 as a backup for my 9400. But with upcoming need for steering for example Google TV on a chromestick there is also the need for a remote control which can handle this too.

Logitech also stopped this business

Chreston does not allow "ordinary" clients to use the software for programming

Sofabaton seems to try to fill this gap but for me is far away from the flexibility I need to replace my Pronto

The only valid option seems to be the Unfolded Circle Remote 3 but who knows whether it will really come to market...

Are there any other relevant options I do not see

Best regards

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