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Installers Near Hartland, VT
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Post 1 made on Monday September 12, 2016 at 15:31
JT Babin
Long Time Member
June 2016
I run a design/consultation company out of Chicago, IL. I currently have a client in Hartland, VT that is going to need help on the pre-wire. Anyone that is doing side work, satellite, or security contractors would work just fine. All of the design is done, just need wires pulled and terminated.

Framing is complete and the electrician will be starting shortly. I am looking for one or two individuals to help pre-wire the home according to wiring a plan that I will provide. All materials will be provided.

The following is a list of requirements:

• Ability to work from prints
• Willingness to read and follow instructions for pre-wire of different devices
• Knowledge of different wire types (Cat6, 16-2, 16-4, RG-6, etc)
• Familiar with basic home construction best practices

Please have a minimum experience of at least 3-4 low voltage pre-wire projects. It is critical to have an understanding on how drywall is hung on framing to ensure that wiring is free and clear of drywall and other finish materials. It is also important that you understand which construction materials can be drilled through and which cannot.

I will also likely need help trimming this out, so if you have the following skills I could use for you for the final installation as well:

• Proficiency in terminations (F-Connector, RCA, RJ45, RJ11)
• Clean TV Mounting
• Hanging Speakers and other devices
• Ability to follow input/out checklists
• Patience to troubleshoot initial system setup with my programmer

Please send me an email, as well as an hourly rate. Not looking to pay retail rates that include design and programming, just simple wire pulling labor.

Let me know, hope to hear from you!
James Babin - System Designer (
Post 2 made on Saturday December 2, 2017 at 01:48
Lurking Member
December 2017
this is really nice to read..informative post is very good to read..thanks a lot.

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