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MCE and Philips TV appear to use the same codes ...
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Post 1 made on Saturday June 22, 2013 at 10:15
Lurking Member
June 2013
I've just added a Zotac AD04 HTPC with the included MCE usb IR remote. Running OpenELEC. It seems that this generic MCE and the Philips TV (40PFL7705DV model) are both responding to the MCE codes. Trying the basic left/right cursor on the MCE also causes the TV to shift to broadcast input and cycles thru the channels. I also configured the HPTC on my Logitech Harmony remote and TV still behaves exactly the same.

I don't see any way to change the behavior of the MCE remote or receiver and there's nothing similar to this documented in the TV manual.

Has anyone else encountered this issue ?? Simple workaround ??

Don M.
Post 2 made on Sunday June 30, 2013 at 23:34
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
That seems very... wrong. Does the TV remote operate the HTPC as well?

On the Harmony, have you tried another MCE ID? The MCE system supports a number of different device IDs.

Looking at the manual, it might be due to the "Media Connect" feature (but clearly shouldn't be responding). Are you running the most recent firmware for the set?

Also, just to rule out HDMI CEC, turn off "Easylink" on the TV.

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