Hi All,
Just created a new RTI GUI and icons recently (
called PTC-Stark) and wanted to gauge interest from everyone as to whether I should start retailing it and any ideas for changes etc. This is my first formal GUI so let me know if I'm barking up the wrong tree. If there is interest, then I'll offer the full template and icons to 3 people as a free Beta to ensure that I have it completely tested and free of errors etc. Cheers
The home pages have shortcut icons to all the important areas and can have global feedback on them such as whether there are TVs on, AppleTVs are playing, error with the Lighting or HVAC systems etc.
The Menu bar on the left takes you to all most of the sections available. Items not accessible from the menu are the info page, settings page and alarms page which are accessible from the front page only. The AppleTV page works with the AppleTV Driver (by Others) and kicks up the keyboard when needed. For sky, you need to tap the keyboard icon to pop up the alphanumeric keyboard (helps to keep it clean).
The Music pages can display whatever is sent to you by the drivers, up to you really. the AppleTV driver gives feedback that allows the stop and play buttons to retain their states ie pink if playing blue if not.
CCTV icons, currently displaying generic public webcams. The images in the full screen image have been rotated at source using AXIS url commands so that the GUI is always in portrait mode.
Nest (fire) statuses and there is also a global nest page as well. The weather page has days of the week at the top which highlight the correct day and celsius, fahrenheit. The satellite button takes people to the weather satellite / radar page.
Nest (climate) page and lighting page as well. There's feed back on the buttons too.
This is my about page, aimed at providing all the integrator's details for the client etc. Not got any links working yet. This page also shows a different font for the header - an Ultra-Light San Serif font. The alarm page is an older design and is being updated but gives the client the ability to set their own system alarms to trigger events. At the moment we use it to turn the system on at 6am and off at 9:30pm - helps us all go to bed on time! This will be graphically the same as the rest of the GUI and uses an alarm driver (by others) to driver it.
So, let me know your thoughts, I have more icons available that will come with it but I need to know if it's interesting to others.
Last edited by PROTEUS on November 24, 2015 11:59.