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MX-980 Variable HELP!
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Post 1 made on Tuesday July 30, 2024 at 02:48
Long Time Member
December 2005
I realize this has been discussed and documented many times and I have even done it about 9 years ago. However, I am having trouble with this one.

I have an Amplifier Switcher that switches between my AV amp & Hifi Amp. Unfortunately this is a generic thing and finding proper remote codes is impossible.

The remote has a separate button for Amp 1 and Amp 2, however the remote seems to be of a poor quality program. IF the remote is On 1 and you press the 1 button again, it switches the switcher off. Same goes with 2. So as you can imagine, when I have my cable box come on with the TV, AV amp and the amp switcher set to trigger the 1 button, IF the switcher is already set to 1, it switches the amp switcher off.

I understand this is a similar situation as having an item with only one power button and not an on button and off button.

I have done this is the past, but just can't get it to work this time with the variable, toggle etc.

Any chance someone could walk me through it quickly please?
Post 2 made on Wednesday July 31, 2024 at 10:55
Long Time Member
January 2003
If you want it on 1, have your macro send "2" then send "1".
If you want it on 2, have your macro send "1" then send "2".

It is not ideal and will cause a slight delay, but it should be reliable to get you the amp you want each time.

If it is on 1 and you want 1, it should go to 2 then back to 1
If it is on 1 and you want 2, it should turn off then turn back on to 2
If it is on 2 and you want 1, it should turn off then turn back on to 1
If it is on 2 and you want 2, it should go to 1 then back to 2
OP | Post 3 made on Saturday August 3, 2024 at 01:28
Long Time Member
December 2005
On July 31, 2024 at 10:55, mhe4 said...
If you want it on 1, have your macro send "2" then send "1".
If you want it on 2, have your macro send "1" then send "2".

It is not ideal and will cause a slight delay, but it should be reliable to get you the amp you want each time.

If it is on 1 and you want 1, it should go to 2 then back to 1
If it is on 1 and you want 2, it should turn off then turn back on to 2
If it is on 2 and you want 1, it should turn off then turn back on to 1
If it is on 2 and you want 2, it should go to 1 then back to 2

Yes., that sounds good actually. Easier to understand.
Thank you kindly
Post 4 made on Friday August 23, 2024 at 19:01
New Member
August 2024
1st time user.
I have a MX-980 and recently only volume and mute functions don’t work. Any ideas why?
I have a home theater system.
Post 5 made on Sunday August 25, 2024 at 17:19
Long Time Member
April 2004
Punch through error would be my first port of call

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