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MRF-350 Power Light Blinking
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Post 1 made on Monday June 17, 2024 at 17:51
New Member
June 2024
Following a thorough dusting of my AV components I discovered that my remote was no longer working. Upon further investigation, I found the MRF-350RFS and RFX-250 Power and RF lights constantly blinking. I don't think it is a signal interference issue since they both are continuously blinking at a contstant rate.

I've tried recycling power and can't find any loose connections (although with all the cables in the cabinet that may still be the issue).

My TV still partially works with the cable service provider's remote (power & channels but not volume, which only works manually from the Integra unit) but the main URC MX780 doesn't respond. Note: The Integra unit does have a "Movie/TV" learning button - do I have to reprogram something?

I get no flashes on the remote sensors when using the remote although they are in the correct position as far as I know (I knocked one of them off while cleaning on an earlier incident).

Any suggestions - other than the obvious one of stop trying to clean the unit... ?

Post 2 made on Tuesday June 18, 2024 at 02:37
Super Member
May 2003
I always start my diagnosis of this sort of symptom by measuring the output voltage of modular power supplies. It's amazing how many "problems" are resolved there.
OP | Post 3 made on Wednesday June 19, 2024 at 06:40
New Member
June 2024
That's good advice and I checked to power source and it seems ok.

Since this occurred after dusting and moving the cabinet I suspect it has something to do with cables, positioning, or perhaps pressing a wrong button somewhere.
Post 4 made on Wednesday June 19, 2024 at 18:05
Brad Humphrey
Super Member
February 2004
On June 19, 2024 at 06:40, drs145 said...
That's good advice and I checked the power source and it seems ok.

Since this occurred after dusting and moving the cabinet I suspect it has something to do with cables, positioning, or perhaps pressing a wrong button somewhere.

To test = Remove the batteries from the MX780. Label the wires on the MRF350 going to the IR ports (1-6) and then unplug them (label them so you get them back in the correct ports). And lastly unplug the cable going to the RFX250. Plug power back into the MRF350.

1) If the power light still just continuously blinks, then you either have a defective power supply or defective MRF350. It can ONLY be one of the two, since nothing else is connected at this point.
When you 'checked the power source', how exactly did you do that? Do you have a DMM (Digital Multi Meter)? What was the reading? What does the label say on the power supply you are plugging into the MRF350?

2) If the power light no longer blinks, then unplug the MRF350 again. Plug the RFX250 back in, then plug the power back into the MRF350. If the power light starts blinking again, you have a defective RFX250. If not, go to step 3.

3) With the MRF350 powered on, start plugging the IR ports back in one at a time. If you plug one in and the power light starts blinking, that IR emitter is shorted (either cable or the emitter itself). Replace that IR emitter.
If everything is still working correctly (no blinking power light), go to step 4.

4) Put the batteries back in the MX780. If the power light on the MRF350 starts blinking, you have a problem with the MX780. Start by defaulting the remote, if the flashing power continues, replace the MX780.
Note = the MX780 will need to have the program reloaded. If you don't have the original file or working programming software - stop and call a local programmer.
OP | Post 5 made on Friday June 21, 2024 at 21:20
New Member
June 2024
Thanks Brad for the detailed troubleshooting information. The power supply was the major problem - a tech guy had to splice some of the wires on a new one to the old for an unexplained reason. It would have been a lot cheaper for me to have just ordered a new power supply at the start to see if that was the issue...

Things haven't returned completely to normal and another tech guy is going to have to come out to reprogram the MX-870.

Appreciate all the help on this forum. Thanks.

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