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Xantech PA1235 driver
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Post 1 made on Wednesday November 9, 2022 at 04:40
Super Member
May 2003
I haven't done any Complete Control in a long time and found that someone pasted a URC system on top of one of our old non URC control systems. I don't know the whole story of why, but there have been 'layers' of installers fussing with the house systems and it's a mess. The customer is not sophisticated and emotionally I don't need to continue with our original control system, but the customer needs a system that works.

Anyway the "new improved", pasted on URC system does not include control of Sonos or a pair of Xantech PA1235's that are onsite. Does URC have drivers for these?

I'm just mulling my options. I could take on URC, but it does not seem productive just to do a single job. I could have the customer beat on whoever pasted on the URC and have them finish their project or I could fix the network that has been brutalized by others, then continue with my original control system (that needs to be somewhat updated anyway).
Post 2 made on Wednesday November 9, 2022 at 07:20
Brad Humphrey
Super Member
February 2004
Yes the codes are in the database for Xantech's PA1235 (AUX = code 420).

So reading this....
Either you did a horrible job and the customer really didn't want to use you again. Or the customer is really stupid and/or price shopper who cares about nothing more than price.

If the latter, I would seriously consider telling the customer I'm not available. "I have loyal customers I need to attend to".
Either that or I would let them know up front, that it was going to be expensive to fix everything - and I wouldn't touch the job unless I was fixing everything. Note: get money upfront.

There are soooo many red flags with your post.
OP | Post 3 made on Wednesday November 9, 2022 at 09:58
Super Member
May 2003
Thanks. It’s good to know that URC is an option. I’m not a URC fan and I didn’t enjoy their development platform, but I could use it if necessary. Since codes are available, I don’t know why their URC guy didn’t include the Xantech.


It’s a puzzle. It never was a payment issue. We really have good relations with the customer. I think it was the case that too many influential friends had the customer’s ear. (This is a high end estate, there is an inside pool and two Teslas in the garage.)

At some point our WiFi was replaced and we don’t know why. Recently the replacement failed and is in the process of being replaced again. The real issue with the second WiFi is that a network switch failed. The system was in disarray when we arrived last week (defective switch still in place) and had been partially disassembled. We replaced the switch and reconnected a couple disconnected access points, quickly restoring connectivity in most areas. I don’t know how the second system could have covered the master bedroom. Our original access point (disconnected, hidden away in the attic) for that area was still in place and there was no sign that another had been installed to adequately cover the area.

A potential solution would be to replace the Xantech with Sonos AMP’s. Originally there was no desire to play different music in different areas. Now, with a different spouse, this might be desirable and the customer would have better control of the rooms.

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