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WARNING!!! New CCP Update requires dealer login!
This thread has 290 replies. Displaying posts 76 through 90.
Post 76 made on Wednesday July 21, 2021 at 13:42
Long Time Member
January 2003
I did some experimenting on my laptop. I updated from v3.9.0308.2 to the latest v4.11.0712.1 and got the password lock. I replaced the URCFrame.EXE with the one from v4.0.1106.6 (was on my desktop). The program starts up just fine, lists the version as "4.0.1106.6" in the banner at the top of the window, and has the hybrid user interface/remote simulation graphics between the old and new that others have mentioned. It does show the new MX-790 as an option where it didn't prior to the update. I did not block anything in Windows firewall nor did I modify the URC.ini file on the laptop.

Interestingly, if I tell it to check for updates again, it says "already updated", so the program clearly doesn't key off the URCFrame.EXE file for its version checking.

I did not check if there were any new code database updates between the versions I have because I don't know where to start to look.

I'm sticking with the pre-hobbled version on my desktop for now as I don't plan to buy any new URC remotes and the slightly older CCP version works just fine for the MX-780s, MX-980s, and MX-990's I have in use right now.

Also, I'm very grateful to those on this Forum and in this thread for the help in the past and with this current URC debacle.
Post 77 made on Wednesday July 21, 2021 at 13:55
Long Time Member
June 2002
The Marantz RC2000 was my gateway drug as well. That thing was a large, heavy, unwieldy beast, and I loved it!
Post 78 made on Wednesday July 21, 2021 at 14:05
Johnny Canuck
Long Time Member
January 2003
On July 21, 2021 at 13:42, mhe4 said...
I did some experimenting on my laptop. I updated from v3.9.0308.2 to the latest v4.11.0712.1 and got the password lock. I replaced the URCFrame.EXE with the one from v4.0.1106.6 (was on my desktop). The program starts up just fine, lists the version as "4.0.1106.6" in the banner at the top of the window, and has the hybrid user interface/remote simulation graphics between the old and new that others have mentioned. It does show the new MX-790 as an option where it didn't prior to the update. I did not block anything in Windows firewall nor did I modify the URC.ini file on the laptop.

Interestingly, if I tell it to check for updates again, it says "already updated", so the program clearly doesn't key off the URCFrame.EXE file for its version checking.

I did not check if there were any new code database updates between the versions I have because I don't know where to start to look.

I'm sticking with the pre-hobbled version on my desktop for now as I don't plan to buy any new URC remotes and the slightly older CCP version works just fine for the MX-780s, MX-980s, and MX-990's I have in use right now.

Also, I'm very grateful to those on this Forum and in this thread for the help in the past and with this current URC debacle.

Thanks for this ... works perfectly. And I echo your thanks to everyone else!
Post 79 made on Wednesday July 21, 2021 at 22:45
Loyal Member
May 2002
How about Xantech?  I did a bunch of these.

Post 80 made on Thursday July 22, 2021 at 09:24
Founding Member
May 2002
I spun up another Virtual Machine with CCP installed. Did the Update, and replaced the URCframe.exe file. I'm going to use this VM as a test for future updates to make sure they don't "fix" our FIX.

I will post the results here going forward. Thanks all for the help! At least I can still modify/update my Home Theater moving forward.

I really hope a good replacement hits the market in the near future. I cannot wait to pull out the URC stuff and dump it.
Post 81 made on Thursday July 22, 2021 at 12:27
Long Time Member
June 2002
On July 22, 2021 at 09:24, bitzerj said...

I really hope a good replacement hits the market in the near future. I cannot wait to pull out the URC stuff and dump it.

I hear ya. I'd love to ditch URC altogether. The problem is that I have a sizeable investment in their ecosystem. I currently have an MX-980, two MX-880's, three MX-900's, and half a dozen MRF-350's. At this point, it would cost me a small fortune to swap everything out with a different brand.
Post 82 made on Thursday July 22, 2021 at 12:41
Mike Stewart
Long Time Member
March 2003
Like others here, I started with the Marantz RC2000. Moved up to the RC3200 in 2002 and stayed in the Pronto Neo realm for 9 years.

Bought my first MX-880 from my local dealer in 2011, and he gave me a copy of CCP.. Bought a couple of MX-890s and MRF-350s from them after that. Dealer went out of business in 2014. I've been happily reprogramming my own URC remotes with no tech support for over a decade.

Now I have a bricked CCP installation and an 11-year-old installer. Found out the hard way that Backblaze doesn't back up program files by default. I'll try a fresh install of the old program on my laptop and see if a URCFrame.exe from 2010 will work, but I'm not holding my breath.

If any good Samaritan out there could supply a pre-patch URCFrame.exe, let me know.

EDIT: Got the file! Huge thanks to everyone here, for the information and the fix to get back up and running. You folks are awesome!

Last edited by Mike Stewart on July 23, 2021 08:46.
Post 83 made on Thursday July 22, 2021 at 13:26
Regular Member
January 2021
Same can be done by simply having a blank (Empty) "url.ini".
Post 84 made on Thursday July 22, 2021 at 18:58
Founding Member
November 2001

I had the chance to do some more experimenting with a Virtual Machine I use for my MSC-400s since it has to be 32 bit.

Its a total hack/workaround but it does work.  And once URC figures out the loop hole they will close it - its just a matter of time.  But we can at least use the latest until then.

Assuming you have the "bricked" version of the latest CCP:
  1. Create a registry file like "URC-recent-remove.reg" (call it whatever you want really) and put this in it:

      Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Universal Remote Control, Inc\Complete Control Program\Recent File List]

  2. Double click the reg file and click "Yes", this is remove all of the most recently used files by the CCP.
  3. Run the new version of CCP.
  4. It should prompt you to create a NEW file by default; hit OK to this.
  5. Allow the login window to show and then click the X to close it.
  6. HERE IS THE TRICK:  The application will try to close BUT since you have not saved the newly created file, it will ask you what you want to do:  Yes (to save), No (to not), or CANCEL (to abort closing)
  7. Hit CANCEL - BOOM, you are in!  Just open whatever file you want.
You will have to run the registry file every time (or move/rename the last open file) but at least you can use it.  I strongly suggest you block all future updates as mentioned above so they cant sneak in an update the prevents this from working.  Screw you URC!


See this post for a better implementation:

Last edited by Ernie on August 2, 2021 10:57.
Post 85 made on Thursday July 22, 2021 at 19:22
Junior Member
July 2021
Ok, so I got bit in the bohunkus with the update too. I've deleted the new version and re-installed the old version.

I'm having nothing but trouble so far. Started immediately having runtime errors. Got that resolved, but then I started having seek failure errors.

Anyone know why this is happening?
Post 86 made on Thursday July 22, 2021 at 19:45
Founding Member
November 2001
On July 22, 2021 at 19:22, 1tireddog said...
Ok, so I got bit in the bohunkus with the update too. I've deleted the new version and re-installed the old version.

I'm having nothing but trouble so far. Started immediately having runtime errors. Got that resolved, but then I started having seek failure errors.

Anyone know why this is happening?

If you are installing from like 2013 version, you will want to do a "Run As Administrator".  See if that helps.
Post 87 made on Thursday July 22, 2021 at 20:08
Long Time Member
June 2005
If any good Samaritan out there could supply a pre-patch...let me know.

Ditto for me

Last edited by 808htfan on August 5, 2021 22:36.
Post 88 made on Thursday July 22, 2021 at 20:48
Long Time Member
June 2005
On July 22, 2021 at 18:58, Ernie said...

I had the chance to do some more experimenting with a Virtual Machine I use for my MSC-400s since it has to be 32 bit.

Its a total hack/workaround but it does work.  And once URC figures out the loop hole they will close it - its just a matter of time.  But we can at least use the latest until then.

Assuming you have the "bricked" version of the latest CCP:
  1. Create a registry file like "URC-recent-remove.reg" (call it whatever you want really) and put this in it:

      Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Universal Remote Control, Inc\Complete Control Program\Recent File List]

  2. Double click the reg file and click "Yes", this is remove all of the most recently used files by the CCP.
  3. Run the new version of CCP.
  4. It should prompt you to create a NEW file by default; hit OK to this.
  5. Allow the login window to show and then click the X to close it.
  6. HERE IS THE TRICK:  The application will try to close BUT since you have not saved the newly created file, it will ask you what you want to do:  Yes (to save), No (to not), or CANCEL (to abort closing)
  7. Hit CANCEL - BOOM, you are in!  Just open whatever file you want.
You will have to run the registry file every time (or move/rename the last open file) but at least you can use the latest version.  I strongly suggest you block all future updates as mentioned about so they cant sneak in an update the closes prevents this from working.  Screw you URC!

Thanks for that
Post 89 made on Thursday July 22, 2021 at 21:22
Long Time Member
June 2005
On July 22, 2021 at 13:26, shokwaverider said...
Same can be done by simply having a blank (Empty) "url.ini".

Still need login though, or am I doing it wrong... ?
Post 90 made on Thursday July 22, 2021 at 22:02
Long Time Member
January 2003
On July 22, 2021 at 21:22, 808htfan said...
Still need login though, or am I doing it wrong... ?

The url.ini change will prevent the program from calling home and asking to update. It will not fix the need for a login if you have already updated to the new version (4.11.0712.1 or beyond?).

To fix the login problem once you have it, you either need an older version of URCFrame.exe to copy back over the one in the updated program folder OR you need to use Ernie's registry hack.
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