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Mx-980, If and else programming
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Post 1 made on Wednesday April 2, 2008 at 11:11
Long Time Member
April 2008
Can anyone help me, I don't seem to be doing the if and else working properly in my macros. codes are still being sent to my TV if it is already on. Not a big deal because I have discrete codes, but i would still like to learn it. Thanks.
Post 2 made on Wednesday April 2, 2008 at 12:08
Founding Member
March 2002
Here is a very basic example.

Step 1:

If TV POWER (variable) is ON (true or 1, depending on which remote you use)
Set TV to HDMI input
Turn TV On
Wait 30 seconds
Set TV to HDMI input
Set TV POWER (variable) to ON (true or 1 again)

Step 2:

Jump to TV page

Hope this helps

Post 3 made on Thursday April 17, 2008 at 15:38
Long Time Member
May 2007
I'd like to hear others chime in, but I prefer to just send the command again. If you have discreet codes, your components will always turn on and off when you want. There isn't a need to set a variable to keep track of it. Especially if someone manually shuts the tv off by the button on the tv and not the remote. Your variables would not be in sync with what the remote thinks is the true status of the tv.

On my MX-3000 and MX-980, the only thing I use variables for is the Scientific Atlantic cable box. It uses a toggle power command so I need the variables to keep track of the power status (unless there are discreet codes I don't know about). Other than that, just resend the command.

Unless there is something else you are trying to do based on the power status?

I can post a screen shot of one of my macro commands using a variable. It would probably make your question on how to set it up more clearly.

On April 2, 2008 at 11:11, VSound said...
Can anyone help me, I don't seem to be doing the if and
else working properly in my macros. codes are still being
sent to my TV if it is already on. Not a big deal because
I have discrete codes, but i would still like to learn
it. Thanks.
Post 4 made on Thursday April 17, 2008 at 15:53
Long Time Member
June 2007
On my MX-3000 and MX-980, the only thing I use variables
for is the Scientific Atlantic cable box. It uses a toggle
power command so I need the variables to keep track of
the power status (unless there are discreet codes I don't
know about). Other than that, just resend the command.

Unless there is something else you are trying to do based
on the power status?

Rather than using variable to track the SA box status which is not reliable.

This is much more reliable
1. Go into the setting of the SA cable box,
2. Turn on Power + Numeric

"Discrete" Power on for cable box = 0
"Discrete" Power off for cable box = 0 delay power

Adding this to your macros make it much more reliable even if someone change the state of the device or if there was a power outage.
You win some, you loose some...
Post 5 made on Thursday April 17, 2008 at 18:07
Long Time Member
May 2007
On April 17, 2008 at 15:53, remotejr said...
Rather than using variable to track the SA box status
which is not reliable.

This is much more reliable
1. Go into the setting of the SA cable box,
2. Turn on Power + Numeric

"Discrete" Power on for cable box = 0
"Discrete" Power off for cable box = 0 delay power

Adding this to your macros make it much more reliable
even if someone change the state of the device or if there
was a power outage.

Yeah, I've tried that before. I couldn't get it to work the first time I tried it. Maybe I'll revisit that when I have time.
Post 6 made on Thursday April 17, 2008 at 21:22
Tedd Foxx
Long Time Member
April 2008
i use if and else statements on my 980 because i have functions on my watch pages, such as my garage door and lights. This way when i go to the watch page from watching cable i can go back to my cable page without executing the macro. just a quick jump. i love it! keeps things real quick!
Post 7 made on Monday October 6, 2008 at 14:34
Lurking Member
September 2008
Can you explain how you did this? I have this exact issue - How can I use variables to execute the jump without sending the macros?

Post 8 made on Wednesday October 8, 2008 at 22:54
Chad T
Long Time Member
July 2004
Check out the pic below. That's from my remote file. I wish I'd been able to see a pic like that when I got my 980 because it was a pain to figure this out. Enjoy!

Post 9 made on Friday October 17, 2008 at 11:42
Tedd Foxx
Long Time Member
April 2008
i do it a little differently. this way you don't have to do a press and hold. Just make a vairble that says "cable ON" that turns true when you execute you cable macro. That way the remote knows your watching cable.

then just write the macro with if/else logic.

if cable on=true
page jump to cable page 1
turn on everything to watch cable.

quick easy no press and holds nothing. just normal remote function.
Post 10 made on Saturday October 18, 2008 at 02:12
Lurking Member
October 2008
I'm having trouble getting my "watch page" power-off-everything macro to work correctly. I've got a Sunfire Theater Grand I without discreet on/off codes (as far as i can tell). got some hint on how to work the if/then variables from reading here. The MX-3000 manual didn't help me much with my MX-980 variable. On the watch page i created this:
If [UI Var[Sunfire], False]
UI Var [Sunfire, True]

With nothing on the else line. I also created a devise called Variables and added a hidden page with a power off button macro of UI Var [Sunfire, False] and a power on button macro of UI Var [Sunfire, True].

The Sunfire does not turn on or off, but my DirecTV Tivo Sony SAT-T60 powers off.

Any help fixing this problem would be greatly appreciated.

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