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mx-980 design???
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Post 1 made on Tuesday February 26, 2008 at 23:23
Active Member
March 2006
not to be a pain in the a**, but I am so disapointed in the new mx-980 design. I sell tons of mx900's and was so looking foward to the new color screen and auto light on remote.


1) little rubber cover for usb. I am always hitting it with my fingers...

2) smooth buttons vs. rubbery buttons on the 900. I feel the remote is slipery.

3) crowded transport area...

could these be addressed?
Post 2 made on Tuesday February 26, 2008 at 23:42
Universal Remote Control Inc.
June 1999

If you mean taken into consideration as we look forward to new products, then yes, of course. I don't see any major overhaul of the MX-980 happening in the first year of its lifecycle, though. (Though stranger things have happened.)

We've definitely learned a lot about the ergonomics that appear to our core installers with the MX-900, MX-810, and MX-980. Obviously, we'll take what we've learned as a huge priority when we're planning whatever happens to come next.

Best regards,
I'm a member of the Remote Central community, just like you! My comments here are my own, and in no way express the opinions, policies, or plans of Universal Remote Control, Inc.
Post 3 made on Wednesday February 27, 2008 at 08:33
Long Time Member
May 2007

1) little rubber cover for usb. I am always hitting it
with my fingers...

I have not had any issues, here, but maybe the rubber insert could be designed to be more seamless.

2) smooth buttons vs. rubbery buttons on the 900. I feel
the remote is slipery.

This is preference. The smooth buttons have been part of the "eliteness" category for a while.

3) crowded transport area...

The remote is smaller. More buttons in less area. Not really much different than the MX900.

They will need a lot more feedback before making changes. The MX980 is an interesting move as it is.
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