The MSC-400 has input terminals that sense when they are shorted together.
Almost all of the common switches you would encounter in your normal day are just shorting two wires together to make something happen.
To that end, any such switch, radio sack probably has about 500 to choose from online, if connected to the correct inputs on the MSC, will work to trigger a macro.
So yes, in essence, you could just run a pair of wires out of the [correct terminals of the] MSC-400 to a standard wall switch, if that's what you wanted. Most of the folks around here would install some kind of groovy momentary contact push-button or even something with multiple buttons. If you just need something simple, stay simple, IMO.
As to how to write the macro so that the MSC correctly interprets the switch is another side of it.
Link to switches at radio sack:
[Link:]-Ha 558, I was pretty close