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MX-3000 To Dim Lighting
This thread has 3 replies. Displaying all posts.
Post 1 made on Sunday February 17, 2008 at 17:36
Long Time Member
December 2006
I'm using an MX-3000 with a Universal-Devices Insteon IR receiver - Everthing almost works... But... In order to dim my lights upI want to use the "up" button on the select pad and down, vice versa (the down button)- When I keep my finger on the up, It only sends for a few seconds, so my lights only brighten a little, I can not get the the MX3000 to send out for the length of time my finger is on the button - I look at the receiver and I see signals being sent only for 3 seconds or so - The button has "Repeat while button is pressed" enabled...


Appreciate any assistance- By the way - This is an awesome insteon bridge and controller
Post 2 made on Monday February 18, 2008 at 09:11
Founding Member
October 2001
Here is an idea that you can try. This work around has worked for me for other similar issues when trying to get a command to repeat.

Learn/drop the commands you want to the buttons you want - ON THEIR OWN DEDICATED PAGE

Then punch through the commands from that page to the page that you want.

Haven't tried this on the 3000, but a number of 350 issues with ramping were resolved this way. Hope this helps.

Good luck.
Scientific method refers to the body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge.
OP | Post 3 made on Saturday February 23, 2008 at 14:15
Long Time Member
December 2006
Cassidy- Thans for the advice, but no go- If I hold the button, the command stops transmitting after about 3 seconds- Any other ideas? There must be a way to just have the button press repeat as its sent - I mean it works on the volume buttons...


On February 18, 2008 at 09:11, cassidycaid said...
Here is an idea that you can try. This work around has
worked for me for other similar issues when trying to
get a command to repeat.

Learn/drop the commands you want to the buttons you want

Then punch through the commands from that page to the
page that you want.

Haven't tried this on the 3000, but a number of 350 issues
with ramping were resolved this way. Hope this helps.

Good luck.
Post 4 made on Saturday February 23, 2008 at 14:52
Founding Member
October 2001
If you feel like it, send me a copy of your file and I will check it out.

cassidycaid at gmail dot com
Scientific method refers to the body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge.

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