When you create a macro, it copies the device page. If you make changes to the device after the macro is created, those changes don't propagate to the activity. You must either copy them over or delete the macro and make it again.
The Imported Panel View doesn't have anything to do with the programming that ends up on the remote. If you open up the wzr file you are working on, then you can only copy IR from the import list. You can't change anything in the import list. You have to create new buttons in Tune Up > Relable or rearrange screen buttons.
Also, make sure you double click the device/activity in the Browser when you make changes. You must be inside the device or activity to copy from the import panel. The button you are copying to must have also been created in the Tune Up menu prior to copying the IR. Once you click on the button you want to copy, you must copy from the Imported Action List to the MX-810 Action List.
Last edited by dsp81
on January 8, 2008 21:16.