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Can I send an IR command to a specific IR output on the MRF-350 using an MX-810 (or MX-980?)
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Post 1 made on Thursday January 3, 2008 at 10:03
John Klimek
Long Time Member
October 2007
I have two devices that use the exact same IR codes (eg. X-Box 360 and a Home Theater PC) and I'm wondering if I can send IR commands to the specific IR outputs on the MRF-350 using an MX-810 or MX-980 remote control.

For example, if I'm "Watching HTPC" I want IR commands to be sent through IR output #1 but if I'm "Playing X-Box 360" I want IR commands to be sent through IR output #2.

As you've probably seen from my recent threads, I'm debating between the two remotes (810 and 980) so if this is ONLY possible on the 980 please let me know.

Post 2 made on Thursday January 3, 2008 at 10:19
Long Time Member
December 2007
Easy to do with the MX-810. It's setup per device (e.g. XBox device uses IR #1, TV uses IR #2, HTPC uses IR #3, stereo is on #4, etc). You can choose if a device uses IR or RF (or both), which MRF-350 it goes to, and what output of the respective MRF-350 it gets sent to. You can also send it to all of the outputs. I've had my MX-810 and MRF-350 for a few weeks now and not a single command has been missed. Very happy with URC.
OP | Post 3 made on Thursday January 3, 2008 at 10:35
John Klimek
Long Time Member
October 2007

It looks like press-and-hold macros might be one of the only thing missing from the MX-810 that I'd like to use.

I'm still receiving both remotes to try but hopefully I'll be satisfied with the MX-810 enough to save the money over the MX-980.

Thanks for the help!
Post 4 made on Thursday January 3, 2008 at 11:30
Long Time Member
December 2007
No problem. I think you'll be happy with the MX-810. I personally don't like press-and-hold macros because I don't want my remotes to have hidden functions (my wife uses them, so they have to be idiot proof). However, I know that there are some folks out there that really like using press-and-hold stuff and single vs double tap stuff.

I will warn you though that the MX-810 software can be a pain at first. It's buggy and doesn't do what it is supposed to do sometimes, however, you can always find a work around to get your remote to act like you want it to. For example, It asks you "What device do you use to control the volume?", that never worked for me. I always had to manually go into the browser to setup the volume buttons correctly.
Post 5 made on Thursday January 3, 2008 at 20:50
Advanced Member
July 2007
On January 3, 2008 at 11:30, mslide said...
| I personally don't like press-and-hold macros because
I don't want my remotes to have hidden functions (my wife
uses them, so they have to be idiot proof).

That is the beauty of hidden functions As the power user, I know easy ways to access some functions that I don't want others messing with. If the function is not listed on the main pages, they don't need it.
Post 6 made on Friday January 4, 2008 at 10:21
Long Time Member
December 2007
I hear you Bubby. I just never liked hidden functions, not just with remotes, but anything. Chances are that even if I put a 2 or 3 second press and hold function in, my wife or her techno-lacking father would figure out a way to accidently find it. My view is that if it is a function that my wife, or the rest of my family, will never need access to, then it doesn't belong on the remote. Part of me wishes I could rip the Devices button off of the MX-810 and just have an Activity or Home button instead.

Maybe I'd feel differently if I were doing a whole house setup, but even for the most complicated single room setup, I cannot see a reason why I'd want to have a function that only I would want access to. I'd rather just use the device's original remote, go downstairs and use my server's mouse and keyboard, etc. It would be something that I'd hardly have to do anyway.

My #1 goal for all of this has always been so that a complete moron could use my remote, without any instruction, and with 0% chance of doing something they shouldn't be doing.

Do CI's put press-and-hold stuff in their customer's remotes? I'm interested in hearing a good reason why they would do this? I'd think it would just complicate things and cause reasons for them to call saying "why did this strange menu just pop up?"

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