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Post 6 made on Friday June 26, 2009 at 18:16
hd fan
Long Time Member
March 2006
It is my understanding that not all of the Digital Converter Boxes have the Analog passthrough feature but as usual I could be wrong. In such case do as OTAHD said and split it if no passthrough capabalities on the converter box. They are usually around 50 , 60 cad the less expensive ones. FTA Satellite stuff stores usually sell them too. You can use any antenna , even the ones that our grandfathers used (not the russian version that my cuban grandfather used as it only did VHF no UHF at all, lol). Dont bite into the HD or Digital Antenna marketing lingo (for a lack of a better word) since the antenna does not care if the signal is Digital or Analog.

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