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Post 42 made on Monday May 4, 2009 at 11:23
Long Time Member
November 2006
Daniel, not sure it this is the correct place for bug reports, but here goes:

I just uploaded an RS232 control doc for the Panny TH-65PZ850U. The original file was in PDF format. I zipped the file on my Mac prior to uploading. By default, the Macintosh version of the ZIP archiver simply adds the extension .ZIP to the end of the local filename when creating a zip archive.

So the file name of the zipped pdf on my system was "xx-65PZ850U_RS232.PDF.ZIP". After uploading the file, the web page confirmed the upload, and said that the file name that was uploaded was "xx-65PZ850U_RS232.PDF". It looks like the wiki software dropped the .ZIP extension on the end of the filename.

This will be a problem if the wiki lists the uploaded file as a PDF, since it is actually a zipped PDF. Yes this could be worked around by renaming the file on my local system. I would have renamed the file prior to uploading *if* I had known that having 2 extensions (.PDF.ZIP) on the end of the filename was going to be a problem.

Just wanted to alert you to this.

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