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Post 35 made on Tuesday April 28, 2009 at 13:31
Advanced Member
February 2003
On April 27, 2009 at 02:03, RTI Installer said...
I believe the answer to your question is Yes to everything, the most common is simply 2-way only components? however they all will receive one way commands, and even though they may not have anything to reply to, they still work fine.

All components can't accept 1-way RS232 commands. the Sirius SCH2P can't accept 1-way RS-232. I think since there is confusion on this to begin with that there should be a separate option for RS232 2-way required. Before dealing with the SCH2P I always assumed a device that had RS232 could accept 1-way protocol. I think if it is two options there should be something explaining that 2-way means it requires two way. Thanks again Daniel.

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