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Post 4 made on Tuesday March 11, 2008 at 22:21
Universal Remote Control Inc.
June 1999
It definitely sounds like the file is corrupted then. Unfortunately, that can happen to any file on your hard drive.

There are probably only two people on the planet who could look at a raw dump of the file to try to find the problem. One of them is deeply engaged in our next generation of products, and the other is Bracken Baker. He's currently working hard at his day job trying to recover a lost database, so I doubt he'd be able to help either.

I wish I had better news, but it sounds like the file is unusable.

However, as a last-ditch effort, you might try starting a new file and import the devices one by one. You'll lose some of your macro programming, but the layouts will be intact.

Best regards,
I'm a member of the Remote Central community, just like you! My comments here are my own, and in no way express the opinions, policies, or plans of Universal Remote Control, Inc.

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