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Post 3 made on Wednesday March 19, 2008 at 20:08 |
ridebmx69 Long Time Member |
I knew there was a name for it. Thanks. Is that what the option is on the MX900 Editor where when learning a code you have the option of learning it once or twice?? Is that a learning work around for learning parity bit IR codes?? I thought i had heard that during one of the trainings one time. If that "2 time" learning option in the editor is for parity bit codes i still think im out of luck. I tried for a long time to get the codes learned with that "learn twice" option enabled. It failed everytime on the "2nd" learn. I called Linksys to see if one of their techs could help with some premade codes but i am waiting on their call back. Would a hex version of those codes exist? Or being as their parity bit would each button actually be 2 codes?? Thanks for the reply. -Brian