On March 20, 2008 at 08:49, Constantin said...
The MX-900 can't send RF commands directly to X-10 switches.
I wouldn't expect it to, since the X-10 control modules get the
controls over the mains, not RF or IR. However, the X-10 PowerHouse
RF transceiver receives RF from an X-10 remote and injects a
signal into the mains to control the various control modules. In an
ideal world, the MX-900 would send equivalent IR signals. IOW,
I was hoping the X-10 Powerhouse RF transciever was equivalent to
the IR 543.
If you do send RF signals you will need a base station
to convert the signal to IR that the IR543 can convert
to X-10 RF signals.
So, you're saying that the IR543 sends out IR. Makes sense, otherwise they
would call it the RF543!
But you are also saying the X-10 work off of RF. Not mine.