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Post 9 made on Wednesday March 19, 2008 at 13:52
Long Time Member
January 2005
Thanks, Marcus,

I was hoping that since the MX-900 can send RF and my existing X-10 PowerHouse model RR501 is a radio transceiver I could avoid buying the IR543. Guess the IR signals aren't standardized....

I don't understand the role of the MFR-250 in your setup. If the IR543 responds to an IR signal why not just set up the MX-900 to send out IR signals for the LIGHTS device. Or, if the IR543 responds to RF, set the MX-900 to send out RF fof LIGHTS. I don't see the need for the MRF-250 either way. What am I missing?

Thanks again,


On March 19, 2008 at 09:16, marcus69 said...

You'll need to buy an IR543 from X-10. The IR543 receives
the IR command from the MX-900 and passes that to the
appropriate lights or appliances etc..

What I did was attach one of the flashers from my MRF-250
to the front of the IR543, so my MX-900/MRF250 operates
all my lighting from anywhere. Hope this helped.
Ed S

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