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Post 6 made on Friday September 7, 2007 at 11:28
Control Remotes
Super Member
August 2003
That's really strange. I think if it was an issue of the software built into the remote, more people would have had this exact same issue, which is why I disagree with that idea as a possibility for the failure.

I am wondering if maybe your batteries have been the issue. Do you have the charger plugged directly into the wall receptacle or into a power conditioner? If you have not had it plugged into a power conditioner, I recommend you do so in the future, just to see if it helps.

I have seen remotes appear to function when the batteries don't have enough charge, but they do not send commands as they normally would. This pretty much sums up your issue. In my opinion, it's most likely the battery or the charger.

Thank you,
Damon DG
= = = = = - Authorized Dealer & Remote Programming Services
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