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Post 3 made on Thursday February 28, 2008 at 11:52
Long Time Member
November 2007
What's going on with Universal? Do they use a different IR engine with their remotes? the 980 is a cool looking remote, but compared to the 950 its much lighter and the buttons feel cheaper. I am very dissatisfied with the direction this company is headed. Codes between their remotes act different depending on the remote you use. The same codes that will work on an 850 or 900 that are imported to a 980 with universal browser do not work. I suspected at first the VIP1216 may have been toggle bit even though Motorola has never done that before but after examining hex and ir from RTI which works with no problem that was not the case.

I have come to the point that I will no longer sell Universal. The reason being is the fact that many customers change from one provider to another. At any time a customer that had Directv may change to ATT where they will then end up with a remote that no longer is reliable. Not to mention the wasted man hours in trying to program a remote that is unreliable. I regret selling and these pieces of junk.

And this is just the tip of the problem. How does a company like universal bring a remote to market like the 980 based on windows CE, that uses Activesync or communication when Vista has been out as long as it has. Sure you can make it work with Vista but it should just work, I shouldn't have to make it work.

Nice try universal, someday when your having to sell products on the shelf at Sams and Costco like Harmony because the CI guys wont use your product any more you may just wake up. I won't be looking back.

Last edited by shudabo on February 28, 2008 12:01.

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